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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by nickyb13

  1. Rbz on an aluminum hi-lo from RX: 25. Decided to use all copper because the outsole is very thin, and I'm a fatty.
  2. Robert Morris making it to the dance in the first time in program history.
  3. Yea I'm being transferred to the Robinson store when it opens so that will be a bit more of a hike but it's supposed to be a good store to "grow with the company".
  4. Got a job at Total Hockey in The new Pittsburgh store
  5. 06-11 lol took a redshirt year. I only played roller up there
  6. Got my motorcycle permit today! now its time to start saving to get one
  7. The more we take the monster to the dog park the less and less of a jerk he is. Plus it's hilarious to watch our 8 year old foxhound try to play with puppies that weigh less than 5 pounds
  8. The blueline trips me all the time... Can't say that I've ever had to get stiches for it though
  9. hows the protection/quality with the powertek gloves?
  10. Indeed that was awesome, another reason why I am hoping Alkali ventures down the ice route in the future : )
  11. First game of the season last night and the other team doesn't show
  12. Part 1 of my gear replacemen/upgrade is complete : )
  13. Went snow boarding for the first time in at least 10 years and it was like I never stopped : )
  14. They didn't have a picture and they were way at the bottom
  15. Hockeygiant has the ca9 glove listed at $90usd and the ca5 listed at $60. Their estimated arrival date is January 15th and January 12th
  16. My girlfriend knows that hockey is number 1 : P
  17. Nah he is usually very sold He said expecting the puck to wrap around so he wasn't really ready for it. This team usually beats us pretty easily but it was an extremely off night for us. Final score was 9-1 so if you take out my production from the game it was 6-0 lol
  18. haha nope, knocked one in trying to save it from going over the line, then some how redirected one between the goalies legs with my skate when I was on the boards, and chasing down a guy on a breakaway and the rebound hit off my shin pad and went in. I was on top form.
  19. Had my first 4 goal game in mens league. The problem was that three of them were on my own goalie
  20. CA9 = 480g CA5 = 530g CA3 = 595g Found in the catalogue
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