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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by ashtonhutch05

  1. Everyones jumping on the vector helmet bandwagon now aren't they? I can't decide between that and an 8k. But, the 8k's about twice as much....
  2. Sure wish I had $529 laying around...guess my 10.0's will do though.
  3. The dolomite's a great looking stick imo. I want another one....
  4. Congradulations david, I live somewhat close to st. lois and weill definantly come out and watch. good luck!
  5. oh, i may have to pick one up : D Nice skates Stranger haha.
  6. what cage is on the helmet? I like it.
  7. just added a kronik to the family. we'll see how long it lasts...
  8. "and then I was like widdly widdly wahhh!!"
  9. thats what I meant...oops.
  10. that spezza pattern makes me throw up in my mouth every time i look at it :o
  11. I'm new here, but I'll give it a shot. Helmet- mission intake Shield- oakley jawbone Shouler- nike v-14 Elbow- nike v-14 Gloves- warrior kingpin Pants- nike quest 1 Shins- nike v-14(i got a good deal on the set) Skates- synergy 1300 stick - warrior ak-27 grip 100 flex draper ak-27 blade, xxx lite naslund
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