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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Portlandman

  1. Angels & Airwaves OneRepublic Sick Puppies +44 Say Anything Mayday Parade The Almost Motion City Soundtrack 12 Stones The Academy Is... Hit The Lights Armor for Sleep Finger Eleven Yellowcard
  2. Talk about NBH fanboysim... Where'd you get those One90's anyways (the woodie stick and the protective gear)? You also mentioned them being prototypes, so how'd you get those? my dad is head of Brand Managment for nike. so he works with Nike Bauer a lot
  3. Sorry the photo's were just taken on my phone so i didn't know how big they are
  4. Here is a Diff Pic of That ONE 90 And Yes i have one 90 Gloves and Skates they just were not in my basement when i was taking the pics
  5. Not on mine. but most of my stuff is prototypes so they are not complete examples of the final product.
  6. Helmet: NB 8500 Combo Skates: NB ONE 90's Shoulder Pads: ONE 90 Elbow: ONE 90 Shin: ONE90 Gloves: Black/White ONE 90 Sticks: 3 ONE 90's, 1 XXXX
  7. i have all ONE 90 equipment and XXX Pants this is my XXXX these are two of my ONE 90's
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