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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About ramensandwich

  • Birthday 10/20/1989


  • Skates
    Bauer Vapor XXXX
  • Hockey Bag
    CCM Tacks 1052
  • Shin Pads
    Mission Fuel 130
  • Elbow Pads
    Mission Fuel 130
  • Shoulder Pads
    Mission Fuel 130
  • Pants
    CCM Pro Tacks
  • Helmet
    CCM 852 Tacks Pro Stock
  • Gloves
    CCM Pro Tacks
  • Stick
    Easton SyNergy ST

Profile Information

  • Location
    Concord, NC
  • Gender

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  1. USA hockey referee is all I am, worked for me.
  2. I got them from The Skater's Edge in Greensboro, NC. It is operated by a former NHL equipment manager. About the pricing, I can't be too specific because this shop mainly sells to professional teams (SPHL, ECHL, juniors) and the pricing is different for team sales... If you're a referee and are looking for a pair, Bauer and RBK are offering significant discounts with your referee card at the moment. Without the discount though, the skate was still a couple hundred cheaper than the TotalOne MSRP. I could've done without the yellow lettering and such on the heel as well, but I guess the point is for the uneducated hockey fan to see these skates from the 2nd row and go out later and buy himself some TotalOnes to play in
  3. I'm going to put the Pro-tec-toe stuff on these. It's been so long since I used any, my can was dried up so I have to order some. As a referee I don't do a lot of work with my toes on the boards, so I don't expect a ton of wear there, my previous skates don't show much wear on the toes.
  4. It took 3 weeks from ordering to delivery.
  5. New skates, ClassicOnes. They are built off the 8090 instead of the T1 (my LHS told me wrong), but they are without doubt the best fitting skates I've ever owned. Custom sizing, vented outsole, taller LS3 steel, TotalOne tongue with black felt, +1", also some added volume and modified lacing pattern on the top 4 eyelets. They moved the top few outlets away about 1/4" from the ankle so I could get the correct forward flex. Plain white laces finish the deal. These look the way a hockey skate should look.
  6. Do the T1 Classic's have the same Alive composite and whatnot under the outside fabric as the TotalOne? I just ordered a pair based upon how much I like the TotalOne, since I needed customs anyway for my feet. I'm assuming it's just the TotalOne with some fabric on the outside essentially? Just wondering.
  7. I'm in white, middle of the picture. Our team is called Molson Ice.
  8. you wouldn't happen to have one of either you're wanting to sell would ya? especially the stealth??? i wrecked my geo metro....
  9. heres a few more pics of the blacked out vapors. removed the red trim from the sides and tendon guard. threw on some yellow laces. this should be bauer's answer to CCM's Vector 6.0SE
  10. blacked out vapors. yellow laces?
  11. Pants: CCM Pro Tacks Protective: Mission Fuel 130 Helmet: CCM 852 Tacks Pro Stock Gloves: CCM Pro Tacks Skates (not pictured): Vapor XXV For those wondering about the Fuel 130 setup: Closer Shot of Shins Closer Shot of Elbows Closer Shot of Shoulders Edit: PS: Thanks to all that helped with their opinions before i bought this stuff!
  12. he must be the guy in black with tackla pants. thats the only black jersey in both pics, and his avatar has black jerseys... but im probably wrong lol
  13. +1 man wish i could say that kinda stuff without getting in trouble haha
  14. tbl i like that 4th blade from the left with the flat bottom. what pattern is it?
  15. in the south here, i'm sure only about 10% of copenhagen users actually know that copenhagen is a city.
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