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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by liroadrunners

  1. nice skates. im currently using bevo abec 9's (the ones that came with my code carbons) and they suck. i was thinking about getting bones red. what do you suggest i get and are the reds any good?
  2. i have a carbon inner stripe a few pages back and it looks good.
  3. the xxx lite is lighter than the xxxx but the xxxx is better balanced. not a big weight difference maybelike 25ish grams
  4. let me know how u like that i think thats gunna be the exact stick im going to get soon.
  5. i was planning on putting on a hummer. did you have to dremel the bottom of the boot and drill new holes?
  6. let me know how the xxv's are for roller i was thinking about doing something similar.
  7. no those a re retail but they match real well with my hs jersey.
  8. i love the mustang palms very thin and durable.
  9. http://www.warriorhockey.com/customizer/gloves.html
  10. the franchise's are mb33's and i guess the tighter fits are the mb22's or mb11's. the creepers are the mia inferno's. also the customizer is up but on warriors site. mia's isnt up yet as noted.
  11. Dont care what kind of chassis really. Ive looked online and it was hard to find them for sale. there is the hummer chasis which is all 80mm wheels the mission vanguard which is 2 76mm in the front and 2 80mm in the back and the sprung chasis which is all 80mm with a ice feel.
  12. what chasis do you want? your lhs can do it for you and a chasis is going to be around 100ish and about 50ish for rivets.
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