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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. put this up on phew a while ago figured id throw it up here
  2. entertaining game... and an entertaining rivalry for the next 8 or so years after
  3. bednarz... is that a custom swoosh i see on one of your 4000s? :D
  4. My buddy just threw that cage on his 4000. I like the look of it, compared to some of the other crappy cages that have been coming out recently.
  5. wow... in a perfect world all my 4000s would have Cooper on the front
  6. woah... very nice mitts here's my graf 703's... pretty pumped, ive never had a pair of expensive skates before
  7. took the two pieces completely apart, easiest way to do it
  8. got out the green renfrew for some more low budget helmet customizing http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i140/KDo...24/100_1258.jpg http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i140/KDo...24/100_1257.jpg
  9. Felt sheets cost me .28 cents each... I used fabric glue to start, but might have to get out the needle and thread to make them more secure. Someone on PHEW made some red tongues, which I thought looked pretty cool, gave them an actual "tongue" look, haha.
  10. thought I would follow the trend... I have never "flopped" before, pretty pumped to try them out, haha. low budget white tongues
  11. X6 are a nice glove for the price... more of a tight feel on the back of the hand, compared to a nbh 4 roll or even ppf
  12. my buddy had a prostock inno 1100 sitting in his garage that he didnt want. Found a tapered sher wood coffey without graphics for 30 bucks at my local shop. Not a huge fan of the shape of sher wood blades, but thought id give it a go for the price. http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i140/KDo...24/100_1130.jpg http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i140/KDo...24/100_1131.jpg
  13. hound97.... the fact that you grabbed those for 20$ makes me very bitter.
  14. If you end up trying the white dye pen, let me know. My Tide to go pen works really well, but my gloves still look more and more stained each week. I tried the clorox bleach pen (didnt do much, its more of a pre-treater for washing machines), and I tried mixing soaps and using a scrub brush (when dried, the dirt/sweat stains just came to the surface and looked worse). That includes that "spot shot" stuff, which seemed like it worked good when the gloves were still wet, but again, once they dried the gloves ended up looking worse. Never buying white nylon again!!!
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