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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Blueandgold26

  • Birthday 04/13/1987


  • Skates
    Bauer Supreme One80, Bauer Vapor XR3
  • Hockey Bag
    RBK 6K
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer Nexus 1000
  • Elbow Pads
    synergy 800
  • Shoulder Pads
    Jofa 9400, CCM v10 OVE
  • Pants
    Bauer Vapor XR3
  • Helmet
    CCM V10
  • Gloves
    Bauer 4-Roll Pro Buffalo Sabres
  • Stick
    Bauer TotalOne, Bauer APX shaft w/Mako blade

Profile Information

  • Location
    Buffalo, New York
  • Gender

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  1. Sad day, i'm a huge doors fan and Ray always seemed like an awesome guy.
  2. Thrilled that i finally got my hands on an Ovechkin pro stock.
  3. I have the 800's with the extended slash guard, love them aswell. They fit great.
  4. they had probably twenty sticks, one95's,one90's, a mike webber totalone, couple Sher wood nexeons (spelling?), eq50's, and some warrior dt's and some Boyes APX shafts. They had probably 10 pair of gloves leino's warriors, roy's eastons, tallinders four rolls, and some reebok four rolls. Saw some warrior hustler pants and eastons. Overall decent selection for not being an equipment sale.
  5. few things i picked up at the sabres store
  6. The EPP is very flexible, it forms to the back of your calf when it's strapped on. It's flexible because it doesn't have the plastic plate covering the padding like the RS does. The vents are pretty large; they seem like they would help a lot in the drying process, but I'm not sure about air flow during games if that's what you're asking. I haven't gotten the chance to skate with them yet.
  7. Picked these up today at Great Skate. I have never really liked Bauer's protective lineup, I always preferred Reebok/Jofa but i was intrigued when i saw the nexus lineup in the catalog, knowing i would be in the market for new shins this summer. Very impressed though they feel solid and i really like the strap system.
  8. That's a deathstreak where you drop a live grenade when you die. Another thing I'm seeing is little pricks hiding with a friend and shooting the friend 25 times so they get the nuke and ruin the game for everyone else. Very annoying. If I was in a game with somone with that automatic noob tube I wouldve snapped. I hate noob tubes to begin with.
  9. I gotta say I love the aug but I'm excited to get to lvl 48 and unlock the bushmaster ACR, love that gun.
  10. The campaign plot was shocking in parts but the ending was amazing. So glad to see you-know-who (trying not to spoil it) didn't die as i thought.
  11. my buddy's at gamestop and he just sent me this text "theres a guy here who has the number one spot for the game at midnight and he got here at noon, he has a briefcase with a tv mounted in the top and his 360 at the bottom hooked up to a battery pack and wifi adapter and is hyperventilating with excitement and is saying he is going to use the restaurant next doors wifi to play...wow" i was laughing so hard when i read that
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