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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Blueandgold26

  1. Sorry if this has been discussd but Im going to be getting the u+ 09 skates do you need to bake them or does the u foam just form to your foot? And also how does the rocket runner compare to t blades? because that's what I'm currently using. Thanks
  2. Are the u+ 09 and 07 completley new skates? Price guess?
  3. just picked up a pair of barely used Jofa 9400 shoulders from a lhs for $15!
  4. those are absolutley the nicest inline skates i have ever seen the tounges and laces just top it too, good job!
  5. Helmet: CCM vector Shoulders: jofa Elbows: CCM tacks Gloves: Warrior 4 roll gloves Shins: rbk 6ks Skates: ccm vector 130 zgs Sticks:Warrior dolomite Back up: Sherwood rm9 shaft with vapor 6 blade( i had to rig the blade so it fit)(has huge illegal curve) pants:koho
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