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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Race4LastPlace

  1. Went out today and got some Supreme70 shins, and Supreme70 skates, cant wait to try them out!
  2. yeah. I was totally excited. It was a beginner league (except for the goalies). we had like 45 minutes on ice drills and went straight into a game. Nobody had any positional skill, just winged it. Was a lot of fun, lucky i at least had a lil skating experience. Ended up with a hat trick, number 3 bein a game winner with like 20 seconds left :D
  3. this topic is hilarious. It gives me some good information about how the customer should act and expect from shops. After basically having to order everything online (my local shop only carries youth gear and i quote "we dont plan on ordering anything in your size"). i am i guess 'giddy' about my coming trip to an actual shop. Thanks!
  4. well, scratch the supreme 50 gear combo from my bag. It was ordered, but hockeymonkey just told me that they dont actually have any of it in my size. Oh well, guess ill just get me some new skates in the next 2 weeks...
  5. Just ordered a bunch of new gear... (ME:21yrs old 6'0 225lbs) original: ----------------> New: Helmet: CCM 892 480 cage ------------------> Bauer 5000 480 cage Shoulder: CCM tacks 452 ----------------- > NikeBauer Supreme 50 Elbow: CCM vector 2.0 ------------------- > NikeBauer Supreme 50 Shin: Sherwood 5030 ---------------------> NikeBauer Supreme 50 Pant: Protex ------------------> NikeBauer VaporXX-lite Glove: CCM tacks 452 -----------------> NikeBauer Vapor XX Skates: Bauer Supreme silver ed. ---------> (want some vapor xxv or xxii) Stick: Nike Bauer Supreme Apollo composite 87f P92
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