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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About gxc999

  • Birthday 03/15/1984

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    Rainy Florida...
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  1. Stupid flu. I've been fighting it off and on for 2+ weeks. It's kept me off the ice and unhappy overall. Damned old man winter.
  2. The RPD Max stick looks unreal. Any chance it shoots a lot like the 52 Cal, Justin?
  3. Mid-level Adult Player 5'11 178 25-35 uses Stick Experience Recently:20k, S19,CL, X60. 2011/12 Combat 52 Caliber Reloaded Round OPS, 90 Flex, MC (Modano Curve) Heritage:While Combat's partnership with True Temper is well known, the quality of their sticks largely is not. The Reloaded iteration slightly improves on the previous model and looks cooler to boot. While it's not a giant step forward, it's certainly reason enough to make the purchase. Recent Note: Get them while you can, as they've been bought out by Bauer and will soon be out to pasture entirely. Graphics:The 52 Cal Reloaded is a very modern looking twig. It features a coloring scheme that is primarily white and black, with a secondary red motif. As I said, very modern. Competes with any other stick in terms of wow factor, graphically speaking. 9/10 Weight/balance:Feather light? No, lighter than that. My postal scale pegged this baby as 410 grams after I cut it down about 3 inches. It's very well balanced too. Neither blade heavy nor light. However what really amazes me is that despite being so light, this stick feels solid in your hands. 10/10 Shaft Feel:It's not a thin or thick shaft. It obviously feels rounded, which I prefer. Despite being light, it never feels flimsy. It also feels true to the 90 flex that is stamped on the shaft. Performance:One word, insane. I've rarely found sticks that I loved on wristers, slappers, snappers and passing. The puck rockets off on slappers and one-timers. But the wristers and snappers are most noticeable. I prefer my quick shots with this stick to any other. It's definitely amongst the best overall, tied with the 20k pro stock models I have as the best shooting sticks I've ever used. I never, ever feel that the blade face opens up or that the stick torques wildly. All my attempts come off true to form. My single complaint with this stick is that I get a little bit of slap shot sting on my bottom hand sometimes. Maybe a little more dampening could solve that. 9.5/10 Puck handling:The blade does not give you the feel of wood, a la One95, but it's not ceramic or pingy either. I can easily locate the puck without looking at it while stick handling and never have an issue catching passes. It's quite remarkable. 9.5/10 Durability:I've got an older 52 Caliber that I used prior to this one, and both have seen many pick ups as well as stick times where I just wanted to impress people with my big slapper. Neither stick has worn down or whipped out. I think they have a combined one paint chipped, in about a total of 90 uses. Blade is still quite stiff. 10/10 Conclusion:If you still have a crack at one of these puppies on close out, take it, take it now! 9.5/10
  4. I finally realized something that should've been obvious long ago... my left foot is nearly a half inch longer than my right foot. Well, that answers a lot of questions. Basically leaves custom skates as my only reasonably good option in the future.
  5. Doing some really good things on my wrister. Getting the FULL drag/sweep down, from heel til the very tip of my toe, even when in motion. It's producing a very strong shot. I can't recall the last time I saw someone take a harder wrister. On the other hand, my slapper has gone downhill but hey, ya can't have it all, right?
  6. A colleague of mine has a legit psycho for a wife. She basically harasses him, at work, to the point that it has almost cost him his job. To make it worse, the wife has no job and is a worthless sponge. So I suppose we all have our problems...
  7. Totally wacky shit. I think my sister and brother in law are on drugs and stalking my wife and I. I don't think anyone here can top that.
  8. I agree with ya there, amigo. Jersey looks top notch.
  9. Gotta find my camera so I can throw up a pic of my franchises. Up to 3 pair. 2 wide, 1 narrow. Do not like the narrow ones, might cut some foam out.
  10. Tough break, man. I personally err on the side of caution with my sizing and take a little extra space to avoid my toes being crunched. A fractional amount of extra space does not hurt you when skating.
  11. Skates: (Primary) T1 NXG Pro Stocks and Retail One 95's. Sticks: Lots of top end stuff, Ballistik's recently Pants: Vector 10 Pro Stocks Gloves:Sandes, V 10s, Eagles etc Shins: XXXX, SE16 Shoulders: V10 and One95s? Helmet: Mission, Model?
  12. Was on the ice second day in a row today. I bombed home 12 or 13 one-timers in a row, picked near top corner and far post, was pleased.
  13. Somebody from Easton needs to fix this. It's definitely a terrible example of valuing your customers. MSH has given the Mako a lot of run, so they need to maybe do the right thing here...
  14. Happy because after not playing for a while, I'm solving the riddle that is my snap shot. Plus, I now have a really good slap shot in motion. Just have to get my legs fully up to speed.
  15. Skates: Vapor XXXX, One 95 and 75. Pants: Vector 10 Pro Stock (Awesome Pants) Gloves: Many, running w/ some Sande's atm Sticks: Lots but using 45 and 50 Cals now Shoulders: Vector 10 Shins: Easton ST16/Vapor XXV
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