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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About Yoke

  • Birthday 09/13/1984


  • Skates
    Bauer 5090
  • Shin Pads
  • Elbow Pads
  • Pants
  • Helmet
    CCM V10
  • Gloves
    Bauer 4 roll
  • Stick
    Bauer Vapor X60

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  1. I used laces for awhile when I skated a lot, like in Bantams and High School. When you skate 6 days a week and have to pay for tape, you're really only using it for the games. Used laces when I was broke in college, too.
  2. Just changed my gloves to a pair of Infinity 13.5 inch. I like them a lot, so far.
  3. Helmet: CCM V10/Itech tinted half shield Shoulders: Jofa's that I haven't worn in around 6 years Elbows: Easton, Ultra Lite I believe. Hard to find a pair as comfortable as them. Can't stand the hard shell on most newer elbow pads. Gloves: RBK 6k gloves They rippedon the outside of the cuffs already. Bought them in June Pants: Louisville Shins: itech Skates: Bauer 5090 Sticks: One95 and a chrome One90 Also have 2 broken Synergy sticks that I put a Montreal blade in to use for boot hockey.
  4. I like the Mission gloves in the top row of Rustpot's pick. I might have to search for something like that. My RBK gloves are tearing on the side. The ones on the bottom are cool too, but I've never tried gloves with the fingers like that.
  5. I was thinking the same thing about the Jofa gloves. Look sweet.
  6. The place I usually go to couldn't (or didn't), I was told.
  7. I need to get a pair of those Thrashers socks. I'm going to have to search for them tonight.
  8. I knew a lot of kids when I was coaching that were only using the 9k O stick because their parents bought it for them, and they couldn't get rid of it.
  9. I like those MIA gloves.
  10. I got one on accident and didn't think I would like it. Really love the thing, and I think a clear one would be weird to skate with at this point. Is it the look, or looking out of it that would keep you from rolling with one?
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