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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by brettlynch11

  1. Made me laugh.... Rustpot: Those are beautiful. Enough said.
  2. Very nice shell Monty. Im jealous.
  3. Agree. Help a brother out.
  4. Why would anyone even think to do that? I don't get it.
  5. Here are a bunch more. http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index...showtopic=37832 Related thread, but doesn't necessarily mean this should be locked.
  6. Very nice... Love the color scheme.
  7. Nice Tri Core...I loved that stick.
  8. Who cares about the name of the team? They are good...real good. Not to mention there is another team in the Detroit Area named Honeybaked Ham, and they are also very good.
  9. Agreed... I love black on black.
  10. Haha... The are worth it, very sweet.
  11. I'm starting to build my collection up.... nothing compared to half the people on this site. My favorite still has to be my Labatt Blue woody though. :D
  12. +1... The black on black is a good look for that skate
  13. shoulda kept the laces white.. why doesn't your team have stripe socks? it would make the unis together better. overall..good look. i'd just change the socks and the laces. Does it really matter what a persons laces look like?? I like solid black socks...especially with those unis. Good look overall.
  14. this is where you post pics of your gear, not name it...you are looking for this http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index...?showtopic=4621
  15. Yeah they do look wimpy, sissy, gay... i wouldnt exactly use wimpy sissy or gay to describe those...but to each his own i guess...
  16. those red and black warriors are beautiful.... would have been perfect for my high school team
  17. Helmet - Red Bauer 5500 Gloves - Red Eagle Fusions Elbows - CCM 1052 Pants - CCM 892 Skates - Graf Supra 707 Sticks - Warrior Dolomite Pro Stock - T. Green - Easton Stealth S17 - Forsberg Hopefully getting new pants, gloves and helmet next year :D
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