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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About xsvboy

  • Birthday 11/15/1991

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  1. Kachun your crazy, do i everwant some of those, lol and do u know the sens equipment team?
  2. someone went nuts at the sens equipment sale, lol i wish i could of bin there
  3. Helmet: RBK 4k, CCM 08 Visor:Bauer hs22 tinted Cage: CCM cage 480 chrome Shoulder Pads: Sherwood 5030 Elbow Pads: RBK 6k Gloves: Warrior BULLY Pants: NikeBauer XVI Shin: RBK 4K Skates:RBK 4K(white toungs, red tukk holders) Sticks:2 piece easton, ccm 10.0, sherwood 5030, 9k ostick, NEW!! WARRIOR DOLOMITE SPYNE!
  4. I don’t know if im the only one but I think that grabo needs to get his head out of his ass and start scoring some goals. He normally gets about 1 point per game but he needs to be better. He's my favourite player and he needs to do better. Maybe if he played on a line with kessel it would help but you never know.
  5. Man, you look like Jagr. And nice flop
  6. Ha, its beer league. I'm the 2nd youngest on the team at 20 though. haha, cool, well u look good in the pick and nice stick
  7. i saw this on Proclaimed Hockey Equipment Whores, not bad
  8. just get some black felt tounges and your all set No way man, flop those thingsss, toungs out
  9. Finallty got a good one of my friend. http://i442.photobucket.com/albums/qq144/bardown/zion.jpg
  10. My new set up for 08-09 Skates:XVI going to change Helmet:8k black with Itech visor DLX Gloves: New Sher-wood 5030's red and black Pants: Warrior HUSTLER Shin: NikeBauer XXXX Elbo: Some sort of easton's Sholder pads: Itech Shoulder Pad SP 655TL Sticks: 2 NB XXXX p92, 1 one90p92, and one s17 nongrip Sakic
  11. Ya all be there next year for shure. What time did u go at exacly? I need to no a good time to go at.
  12. No, was only ther for like 30min. I just cheked out ottawa's practice. Were was all this stuff any way?(part of the rink). And how much stuff was there? I plan on going next year, for a stick and a par of skates.
  13. I was there too! who's skates!
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