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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About xdcx

  • Birthday 02/21/1988


  • Skates
    NBH Vapor IX
  • Hockey Bag
    Easton Air
  • Shin Pads
    NBH Supreme 10
  • Elbow Pads
    NBH Supreme 10
  • Shoulder Pads
    NBH 300
  • Pants
    Nike Ignite 3
  • Helmet
    NBH 3500 - Hejduk Visor
  • Gloves
    NBH XXX Pro
  • Stick
    NBH One90 / NBH Vapor XXII

Profile Information

  • Location
    Scotland, UK
  • Gender

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  1. Striling Patriots. ;) Playing them on Saturday. Heres me playing pickup - Awesome uniform!
  2. Thanks man. I like the material but I wished they fit a little tighter more like the swift socks. What size are they? They do look really wide in the photo. What sizes do these RBK Edge socks actually come in if anyone knows?
  3. Wow, One95 stick looks awesome. My new WANT! ;)
  4. Got these today. Posted them in the current equipment thread but I'll post em here too for people to see :)
  5. I got these today - They were bought from hockey giant which had the colour listed on the site as "navy". The picture also showed them as being all navy with white and with no red at all, so I am not too happy with what I have been sent. I still love them though and will definately still use them, just a minor hickup I guess. As for the rest: Shins and elbows - Bauer Supreme 10 Shoulders - Bauer 400 (just a little more protection than the classics) Pants - Nike Ignites ;) Skates - Bauer Vapor IX (one of Bauer's cheaper skates but they are serving me well) Bucket - Bauer 3500 with Hejduk visor (almost identical to HS22 straight cut) Sticks - Bauer One90 with Nasulnd curve (original 77 flex but i cut it down so now around a 90 flex), TPS R4 Redlite with Afinogenov curve (far too stiff, started out as an 85, well over 100 flex now). Currently looking for new pants, I just wish all of the American web stores would ship to the UK :(
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