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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by Buzz_LightBeer

  1. https://ultraslide.com/product/ultraslide-8/


    Most of the speedskaters i know use this unit. If you utilize it regularly, well worth the investment in my opinion.

    I've never personally seen the Brrrn unit, but it looks a bit light (as though it may move side to side as you stride) and doesn't offer different width options like the ultra slide

    The stryd looks neat in theory but goes against every skating principle there is (pushing back behind you at a 45* angle)

  2. 12 hours ago, marka said:

    There's also a couple sit down "splits" machines where you can either drive your legs together or apart.

    That’s a useful machine, I’d focus more on Adduction (coming together) than the abduction. 

    you may find the most benefit from body weight stuff while your arm is immobilized. Things like TRX squats, particularly split squats with no weight. Once you can manipulate your arm you could toss in a very light weighted vest for resistance. 
    some very low step ups and box jumps would be useful. 

    Also focusing on exercises and stretches to improve ROM in the hip would benefit as well. 

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  3. 3 pair of Franchise on the sale block, more pics on request;

    14” Phoenix, white cuff. Feels loose for a 14, Hossa cuff I believe it’s called. Palms are useable but will need some attention in the future. Thumbs were cut but DIY reattached, not by me. 

    $85 + shipping

    14” Phoenix all red Turris, darker than the ones above. Also loose fitting, palms in very useable shape. 

    $115 + shipping


    13” Navy and white. Very good shape palms, will use a small amount of undercuff reattaching. 

    $115 + shipping


    CooperAll girdle brand new old stock

    CG3 Junior Medium. Bought sight unseen under the impression they were senior. Recouping my investment. 

    $45 + shipping. 








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  4. I may be misremembering the name, but I believe it was RocketHockey sticks, they were a shaft with a hole in the tenon, and blades with snap button built into the hosel for easy removal/changing. Think the Harpoon system but worse. 
    and the kicker was, they didn’t initially make blades, so you had to buy one, send it to them to add the connector, and then have it shipped back. 



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