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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by skater32

  1. Is the Spezza going to be a Drury clone?
  2. How much a pair and what size CT? Im lookin at the Navy/gold pair.
  3. Those 4-rolls are awesome.
  4. How close is the new crosby to the tavares?
  5. Broke my One95 and my vector 08 the other day. Didn't really care about breaking the 08, but i was so pissed off when i broke the one95. Both broke in the exact middle. Bought an orange ST to replace it. All of my shots are as good as before with the One95.
  6. Will the ak-27 grip shaft have the velvet finish? Looking at an AK-27 & Spyne combo.
  7. what will the spyne blade and Ak-27 gloves cost?
  8. Helmet: Cascade CHX w/2500 cage. very protective, taken many hard hit and been fine because of this helmet. Shoulders: Nike V11. Very light. Elbows: Easton S7. Very comfortable. Shins: Bauer Supreme 10. nice pads Pants: Easton ST10. i will never go back to pants after these. Gloves: Easton Synergy 500. palm is starting to rip. Skates: Easton S15. Best skates i have ever used. Sticks: Bauer Supreme ONE95(P29), best stick ever. Easton Aluminum w/ONE90 wood blade(P91A), use this when someone is slashing on the other team, one guy broke his stick on it once. Bauer ONE70 w/XXXX wood blade(P106), street stick. and Vector V08(Ovechkin) i never use it anymore.
  9. What is the Custom Zone in the protective?
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