Broke my One95 and my vector 08 the other day. Didn't really care about breaking the 08, but i was so pissed off when i broke the one95. Both broke in the exact middle. Bought an orange ST to replace it. All of my shots are as good as before with the One95.
Helmet: Cascade CHX w/2500 cage. very protective, taken many hard hit and been fine because of this helmet. Shoulders: Nike V11. Very light. Elbows: Easton S7. Very comfortable. Shins: Bauer Supreme 10. nice pads Pants: Easton ST10. i will never go back to pants after these. Gloves: Easton Synergy 500. palm is starting to rip. Skates: Easton S15. Best skates i have ever used. Sticks: Bauer Supreme ONE95(P29), best stick ever. Easton Aluminum w/ONE90 wood blade(P91A), use this when someone is slashing on the other team, one guy broke his stick on it once. Bauer ONE70 w/XXXX wood blade(P106), street stick. and Vector V08(Ovechkin) i never use it anymore.