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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Rink Rat

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About Rink Rat

  • Birthday 07/27/1994


  • Skates
    Vapor XXV
  • Hockey Bag
    USA Hockey/Random HS travel bag
  • Shin Pads
    Easton Synergy ST4
  • Elbow Pads
    CCM Tacks
  • Shoulder Pads
  • Pants
    Tackla Air 9000
  • Helmet
    NBH 9500
  • Gloves
    Bauer One75s
  • Stick
    Vapor XXXX

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  • Location
    Ann Arbor, MI
  • Gender

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  1. I usually chew the right side of my mouth guards really thin so it just kinda sits there, breathing isn't a problem.
  2. messaged you already but 11, and a freshman so I'm not out there much
  3. Yeah, I get lazy sometimes... There are marks on both cause I sometimes take my right off first, other times I take my left off first, haha If I ever get higher end skates I can't do that anymore.
  4. HS hockey stuff Got it used on an old itech helmet for $30 I really need new skates
  5. Helmet: NBH 5500 - comfortable and looks great Mask: Itech Concept II - fogs up sometimes but provides easier vision Gloves: TPS R61 Pro (custom high school colors) - good protection, comfortable and they look nice Shoulders: Itech Techlite 455 - removable stomach protector, they do what they're supposed to do Shins: Easton Synergy ST4 17" - long enough to put over my skates, but they do have bad straps Elbows: CCM - they do what they're supposed to do Girdle: Tackla Air 9000 - loose fitting and have good protection, they are made well Skates: Mission Fuel 75s - surprisingly these have stood up to 1.5 years of playing and are still together, I'm looking for new skates now, though Sticks: Easton S17 Grip - 100 flex cut 2" Forsberg pattern - love this stick, it has lasted for 6 months under heavy use, although it's losing its whip by now Warrior Dolomite - 85 flex Fedorov pattern - backup stick, when I put my weight into it I can let off amazing slappers, but it lacks in dangling ability
  6. Rink Rat

    Easton S17

    Reviewer details: 6'1" 190 pound HS varsity player I haven't even discovered my style of play yet, so I mix everything up Stick details: Grip version (red graphics) Forsberg curve 100 flex with 2" cut off, so around 110 Initial impressions: This stick looks phenomenal, what first drew me to it was how sleek it looked, and the elliptical profile of the bottom of the shaft. When I held it in the pro shop prior to buying it felt very balanced and light in a good way, when I flexed it a little it felt like a whip, but not so bad it would break easily. 10/10 Blade: I did hear the rumors of S17s having broken and delaminated blades, but I didn't care because other people told me great things about it. The blade is very hard and doesn't feel the smallest bit brittle or like it would break easily. It doesn't feel slow when passing or shooting either, but it's not the softest for catching passes, so your hands need to make up for it but it's not a problem if you have experience.\ 9/10 Shaft/Flex: The shaft feels good in my hands, and since it's so balanced it feels like it's a part of me. The graphics where your hands frequently touch chipped off after about a month, but it's not really a problem. About the flex, it really feels a lot whippier than you would think, I bought a 100 and cut it down 2 inches, so it would be at about 110, but it feels like an 85, one of my lighter teammates could even flex it pretty good. So make sure you get the right flex. I think the elliptical part of the shaft helps tone down the torque when you take slap shots, and probably wristers and snappers too, but it's a prime breakage spot when you get slashed and any other stress that gets put on it. 8.5/10 whippier standards could deceive people, and elliptical profile is prone to breakage Feel: As I said before, it feels like it's a part of me because of how balanced it is, which makes for easier maneuvering if you need to get that tap in when you only have a split second. It's not as easy for feeling the puck, but it's sufficient and still good for stick handling and dangling. 9/10 Shooting: This stick is great for defensemen because of the advantages when taking slapshots, but it's also good for forwards that take all kinds of shots, including quick releases, one timers, wristers and snappers. My S17 is starting to feel a little slower, but that's because I've had it for like 5 months over heavy usage and it still hasn't broken, but when it was new it was hot and released fast with little to no lag. 8.5/10 Weight/Balance: This stick is so light it's unreal which makes it much easier to make quick moves with the stick, like dangling through traffic. It honestly feels like I'm not holding a stick when I've been holding it a while. 10/10 Durability: I've had my S17 for about 5 months and it hasn't broken. It has many scuff marks from tough play and the graphics where my hands touch a lot are partly worn off, and it has lost some of its whip but it is still going pretty strong, and I expect it to last another couple months. 9/10 Intangibles: If only this stick retained its whip longer and wasn't as prone to breakage at the elliptical profile, nonetheless it was worth the money I paid for it. 7.5/10 Conclusion: This is a great stick, it might break, but that's the price you pay for one of the lightest most powerful sticks, be careful and you can make it last a couple seasons before it loses its good whip. Overall Rating: 8.75/10
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