Just a quick question, I couldn't find whether it was covered before or not... Does Warrior have Vegas Gold available for customization on the gloves at an extra cost? I would love to get my team's colors, but am afraid the brass is just too dark for our uniforms.
Thanks ragan/phantom. Wasn't sure if it was a hejduksport, never saw that logo. I've been thinking about picking one up just isn't high on my list of priorities because I'm playing at school.
Complete 180 from thursday night, but it certainly couldn't have gotten any worse from there. I thought it was pretty funny to see Savard throwing at Alberts after the cross check on Sturm. Just didn't expect it at all.
In some leagues you can, some leagues you can't. Up here in New England pretty much all the tier III A-C leagues require cages. The leagues that don't require it are typically 'independent' leagues.