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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by dumbpolak9

  1. thats the one it was on tip of my tounge but couldnt think of it
  2. the thermal holder? or the heated blade the thermal holder? or the heated blade not quite sure what its called
  3. nice franchises the hockey clup??? never heard
  4. i just got red laces to match my teams jersey (nj devils jersey) but i really didnt like the and never got around to getting new ones
  5. thinking about getting a black sharpie coloring in the green then black laces.
  6. got these reriveted this weekend =) look absolutely amazing
  7. hey if u dont like them ill take them off of you. lol they would match my teams jersey great. =P but they are sick gloves i wish i had the funds to pick them up.
  8. thanks i went through 2 packs of rit to get it the color i wanted. =) hope they look good on the boots, im currently at -1
  9. Blacked out mission pitch 3's getting mounted on sunday onto mission xp 85's people say that it weakens them it they actually stiffened mine
  10. finally sold my stealth cnt and s5 got 180 outta it =)
  11. overview: Gloves: RBK 6k's and Eagle X80i's Skates: Mission 85xp (90 bucks at the time) Twigs: from left to right: Warrior royale. with an easton iginla curve mission axis elias curve easton stealth cnt forsberg easton stealth s5 forsberg both eastons are on sale!!!! Jerseys: Authentic Marty and a blank team signed jersey all pictures sized down to what is photobuckets medium (240x32o)
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