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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by JohnnyCanuck

  1. I saw an eye witness report last night of that. He wasn't pushed. If you're at all familiar with the Viaducts on either side of the 'Rog...essentially if you're out in the street and jump over what looks like a tall 3' curb or abbuttment you fall 75' down to concrete. This guy apparently jumped the curb and fell, bounced off the awning and then to the ground in front of the ticket booth will/call.
  2. Not to sound too Don Cherry-esque... He makes dangerous plays all the time, then hides behind his teammates or his visor and the instigator rule. If he wanted to run around and play like he is 6'4 and 200+ lbs than he should act like it when it comes time to pay the piper. If he had dropped the gloves to at least stand up for himself and not just hide behind Brashear or Jovonovski or Bieksa back then I might have felt differently about him in that he isn't chicken shit and dirty, just that he was dirty. If Matt Cooke was smart, and I know he's not, but let's pretend for a minute.... I'd ask Byslma to start. Then I'd skate over to the biggest B on the ice not named Chara and take my helmet/visor off, roll up my sleeves past my elbow pads and take my lumps for a few seconds, then hang on and fall... Get it over with so the game can go on. That would earn him huge brownie points with his teammates and anyone deluded enough to have his back or defend him in debates...because one thing is for certain, if I was Crosby or Malkin or another teammate of his I'd have taken him out to the woodshed a few times by now. I used to play with a retard like this... he always ran around making dirty plays etc. We all lost all respect for the guy/ One game he went screaming into the opponent goal crease and drilled their tendy late in the game well after the whistle... He "lost his balance" ... riiiiiight. Anyways, to make a long story short, he learned his lesson that night as when all 6 of their players descended on him we all left the play and skated back to the bench. When we all got back to the dressing room once the game was over he lost it on us until our Captain told him to sit down shut up and act like a man. Once he sat down and cooled off, our Captain explained that that night was the last time he would play like that or the team would refuse to take the ice with him on our team. He learned and actually ended up being a pretty decent teammate. I doubt Cooke is smart enough.
  3. To answer you... Early in 2004, prior to the Bertuzzi/Moore incident Brad May, in his first game back with the Nucks, hammered Tkachuk with a clean hard hit. All the Blues went after him. I think he fought 2 or 3 times that night, perhaps even 4 times. Fact is, if you want to mete out hits like that you need to take your damn medicine. Matt Cooke is a joke. Always has been and always will be. so no, by fighting tonight, and he should have to do it more than once imho, he should do it anytime someone asks... all is not forgotten, perhaps for THIS incident, but not for all his other transgressions. He is a cheap little prick, and I couldn't stand the schmuck when he was a Canuck either.
  4. unfortunately I have to stop cheering for good things for david and start cheering for Bieksa and company ripping their heads off... Go Nucks ;)
  5. Yo Man those Mitts are straight PHILTHY son. Durty Steez for Lyfe!!!!! :huh: Spent all of 5 minutes on PHEW and wanted to hang myself.
  6. Those replaced the Mega's once Canstar or whatever the Bauer mother corp was at the time pre-Nike, killed the Mega line.
  7. TBLFan: Is that pro stock or a retail Lidstrom Pattern? It seems a bit too open to be a retail Lidstrom...
  8. Eagle Pro-Glo's anyone. A guy on my team has yellow and blue pro-glo's, a red Mission intake helmet with a mirrored visor, and we wear black Tampa Bay style sweaters. unbelievable.
  9. Damn! I just bought the NCAA Pants! My wife will kill me if I go drop Two Bills on these now... I want i want... :(
  10. Sick is right! How much!? Seriously... :)
  11. Lid: NBH 4500 with Oakley Visor Shoulders: Don't wear them normally, have Sehrwood 5030 Traditionals when forced to wear them Elbows: Jofa ASD ProStock circa 1998 (I think) Shins: Bauer, oldies but goodies had them forever, no plans to replace them. Pants: Nike Air Quest 2 Pro Returns circa 1999 (Going to be buying new RBK NCAA Pro Returns from The Hockey Shop soon) Gloves: Eagle (can't remember exact model) almost need to be replaced die to wear and tear beyond repair. Skates: Bauer supreme 7000's (Buying NBH Supreme One 75's in next 2 weeks :D ) Sticks: I have a few OPS Pro Stock via a family member in the NHL...Easton Synergy Elite (lidstrom-esque curve) Mission Titanium (same curve exactly as Easton Lidstrom) and RBK 7k with the grip spray on it (Open Heel Curve as well) Also have one nice old Easton AG Silvetip shaft left from long time ago when I got a dozen...100 flex currently rocking an Easton Synergy Lidstrom blade. (should never have sold off the ones I did)
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