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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by markush

  1. It's actually quite close to APX2/1X though a bit lower - and also closer to the foot providing a better mobility - and still keeping great stability. Never had better tight turns :)
  2. Nice idea :) concerning the heel lock which is very important to performance and comfort I'd also say this is the best fitting. The 1X is actually really good too - better compared to APX2. supertacks is a tiny bit narrower than 1X but the great heel lock along with the overall seem less & tight fit makes this not just a high performing skate to me but also a very comfortable.
  3. Amazing update: I have been using Bauer skates since X60 (former top model) with APX, APX2 till the recent 1X - and finally had my first on ice session with the new SuperTacks. So to say - even with the very first session (I was somewhat unsure how adapting to the new skates and holder etc. after coming from Bauer will be) I have to say that these skates are by far the best skates I have ever worn / used! Just within the very first minutes I had to smiley - so easy, fluently things were going. They are tremendously responsive, agile and provided an unprecendented feedback that was just awesome. Actually every aspect of skating improved - start / stops, tight turns, ... Just two things that need help: a) I was so excited about the new skates that I had to convince my brother to try one too (currently on Nexus). In the story he tried a size 8EE - which suited nicely in terms of boot length though he had massive pain in the forefoot, so especially where the toes start (which is the widest of the foot) the boot is too narrow. So is there a chance when baking the skate to extend / widen that part? b) My very first skating session was great, though at the end I had some severe pain in the "navicular bone" on the left skate (see picture). It got really swollen. Any idea what to do to avoid that? Should I rebake the whole skate or trying to heat that area, or other treatments?
  4. Would be interesting to know how the default pitch of the holder / runner is different than Bauer 1X
  5. JS, could you provide us more details on the baking process - a best practice approach. Standing up, remain sitting all the time, what time intervals and so on.
  6. Oh! Thought this is a performance optimizing coating on not just only a paint job - actually sad to hear :-/
  7. I often see these kinds of steels sharpened the wrong way (using a stone after the sharpening, and thus removing the coating!). Is there an instruction / link where this is described what the sharpening process for black / coated steel should look like?
  8. 1) It seems to be even lighter than my Bauer 1X 2) This is the stiffest tendon guard I have ever seen! Had some concerns as expressed in a previous comment but obviously this is by intention. Eager to try this if it helps a more powerful stride or if it's hindering stride length. 3) The toe cap is absolutely amazing! Due to the new construction the toe cap is put on top of the mono frame and there is enough space even for my bigger forefoot. Best toe cap so far I would say.
  9. Was anyone able to compare this one to the Bauer 1X? Also what is the difference in weight?
  10. Hopefully one of the CCM guys / product manager can shed some light on this one: had a quick chance to check out the new skates. Great first impression and really promising. Though what somewhat scared me was the very stiff tendon guard. Especially as other brands also in favor of a longer and more powerful stride keep it flexible. What is the intention behind it - if there is any? ;) To me this seems more to hinder the stride.
  11. So is there already some insight / on-ice experience how the new Super Tacks are different compared to JetSpeed, Bauer 1X ?
  12. Anyone tried the Jetspeed and would provide Feedback? Vs ccm tacks, Bauer Skates ...
  13. What about stiffness of the 1x skate vs. the APX2? Really think the APX2 was a great balance between stability / support and still maintaining a certain feel of the boot. I am a bit scared the 1x might be too stiff - when boots tend to get stiffer and stiffer. Glad if someone can provide feedback. Anyone already tried the MX3 protective (shoulder & shin guards)? Would be interested to know if Bauer improved the problem of quite considerable weight added dring use (swett) - they have a highly capable technology with 37.5 so eager to hear about that.
  14. I'd say 5/8 is a good starting point. From that it depends on weight, skill level, ice condition and your skate setup. Give yourself 1-2 ice time to judge different hollow settings. It also depends on your prefered type of play (very agile, tight turns, or a more powerfull, long stride, ...) which also have advantages / disadvantages using more hollow.
  15. Is there an Option for Titanium for The Cage bottom?Would also love to hear about best practise / tips to get The maximun out of it (no fog, other helmets that fit nicely ...)
  16. That's for sure :-DThough I am sure you realized why speed skater use larger runners on their skates.
  17. Any more feedback based on usage of the RBZ shoulders?
  18. I think it's because of a longer, more powerfull stride
  19. What New Dual Lie Blade would be similar to Hall/Sakic?
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