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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by J22

  1. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230519317412&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT#ht_893wt_933 Just grabbed these off of ebay. I have been told by numerous people fitting me for skates that i would probably really like the 80-90's. I figured for $120 i would take the chance.
  2. Just got home from spending the day in 6 different Hockey shops. My 9 year old son needed to replace just about all of his equipment. Had a blast watching him try on everything and just getting to spend the day talking hockey with him. FTR he ended up with One 70 skates, X40 shins, CCM 05 pants & shoulders, X60 gloves and a WarriorDD.
  3. GLOVE- 12inches is as small as i would go, 13inches is plenty big and 14 is huge. Depends on what you prefer. I would suggest a Rawlings Gold Glove model, in my opinion the best glove you can get for less then $100. Pretty good price and selection at www.ballgloves.com BAT- Bats really are not like hockey sticks. there really isnt any "mid-level" softball bats. You are either gonna have to spend atleast $175 to get any kind of performance out of them otherwise just go to Walmart and grab a cheap one. You will also need to find out what sanction you are going to be playing. USSSA, ASA, NSA, and ISA all have different bat standards and certain bats are only legal in certain sanctions. ASA has the toughest sanctions so if that is what you're playing you will have to do some research to find out what is legal. With all that being said here are some very good bats that you might be able to find for a decent price. Miken freak Plus- probably the best bat you can find for under $200. Not legal in ASA Miken Recoil- they make 2 different models for the different associations can be found for under $200 Worth Mayhem- again a bunch of different models, good bat around $200 Combat Virus or Anti-virus- again 2 different models, good bat might find one for $150 Any easton with Synergy in the name is a good bat, but you wont find a new one for under $200 TPS makes garbage bats. CLEATS- www.boombah.com The Resistance turf shoe is by far the most comfortable ball shoe i have ever worn. They also make great pants, but if you are only going to be playing beer league stuff you will be able to get a good enough pair of pants at a place like Dicks, or Sports Authority and save some $
  4. Up here in Minny "pants" go past your knees!
  5. Helmet= CCM V08 with Datsyuk Oakley Visor Shoulders= NB Supreme 10 Elbows= NB XVI Shins= NB XVI Pants= Mission fuel 110 Skates= NB One55 Gloves= NB 4-Rolls and USNDTP Vapor XXX's Sticks= Dolo HD Leino Pro Stock, Easton SE Iginla, RM19 shaft with RM 9 Crosby blade
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