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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About greyraven8

  • Birthday October 1


  • Skates
    CCM 852 Super Tacks & CCM Pro U+ (actually used by a pro)
  • Hockey Bag
    Easton Synergy backpack & Hespeler F-30
  • Shin Pads
    Jofa JDP & CCM M-SLG 396 (14.5")
  • Elbow Pads
    Koho Revolution
  • Shoulder Pads
    Cooperall & CCM Vector 06
  • Pants
    Tackla 5000 pro & Tackla ? (unlabelled)
  • Helmet
    Jofa 390 with light grey 381 cage
  • Gloves
    Eagle H34
  • Stick
    Rebellion Silver Shadow & Vic Crossfire

Profile Information

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  • Location
    Thunder Bay, ON Canada
  • Gender

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  1. Goalie I know only wears full 70's (or older) gear and mask. Wore it while in beer league and still wears it in scrub now. Clip from 2008 https://youtu.be/WK-CiztbZRY Team pic from 2015. Al the goalie has his orange 'starburst' mask behind his one knee pad for the photo. He has quite the collection of old goalie equipment he rotates.
  2. Here's a picture - I'm guessing from the later 70's.
  3. Had a pair of Micron Mega skates (can't remember the model number) that fit well. My CCM 852's I put back in my skate rotation after finding some old stock holders to replace the cracked holders Don't remember much about them but know I had Lange skates as a kid, and our league at the time I started played some outdoor games.
  4. Wear the 290's in goal. (Wear the Jofa 390's with a different cage when playing out).
  5. Player that used to play on the group I was playing with and now plays with my dad's group wears this:
  6. I'll jump on the aluminum Easton bandwagon - way too stiff for me. One beautiful looking wood stick that I loved the look of but was way to stiff for me was a Branches wood stick. Small local used hockey shop (LONG gone) from decades ago had quite a few of them.
  7. From Tuesday & Thursday afternoon pickup group at Rink#1 of FWFN Arena in Thunder Bay. Quite a age range with this group. Most players in their 50's and 60's, some in there 40's (like me) and younger, some in their 70's and one in his 80's. One of the player's wife took some photos in April. Here's a few pics of me that turned out well.
  8. The comment about bring a dark and white (but not grey or yellow) is unfortunately right. I ended up selling my yellow Vancouver Canucks 'V' jersey because I would get a few guys constantly asking which side I was on. When I was playing beer league we had one team that was red and our team that was orange - everyone seemed to be able to tell who their teammate was, but in scrub you are always going to run into guys that complain about your jersey if it isn't white or very dark. when i play scrub with an unfamiliar group, i just make sure i play as clean as they are - don't make small hooks, holds, pushing in front of the net, etc. unless that seems to be what everyone else on the ice is doing.
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