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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Scoobersti

  1. what was the outcome? did she make a scene after you told her that she needs all 25 tees to return them?
  2. I agree 100% Joey, for my job communication is key, but it seems like 50% of the emails and phone calls are never returned. And while some of them I need answered for my benefit but, most of them that I send need to be answered for their/recipient's benefit so I can help them out. Also, I hope I never run across those types of people that Nick and Krev had to deal with at stick and puck. I would be so pissed....
  3. ^ that sounds like a whole different type of situation than what mik3 is talking about. Cage or no cage, that guy was being stupid trying to use the whole ice. I'd probably say he was being a dumb unreasonable guy.
  4. if you are looking for ppf you can get them from thehockeyshop.com.
  5. Sorry I can't be any help on getting rid of it, but its normal on those palms if you use regular cloth tape on the knob. The left palm on my Bauer 4 rolls are like that (I shoot right).
  6. I had the same problem except mine was the opposite I wanted tufftek but it kept going to classic. Give warrior a call. They changed it for me really quick. The guy was really helpful on the phone and email.
  7. I just got my custom Franchises, but hearing about the mesh gussets makes me want to order another pair with mesh gussets. I have mesh gussets on the Easton Pro stock 4 rolls that I have and I love them.
  8. I bought the X60s in the whalers colors from TSR, while I wouldn't want them to replace any of the blue or green parts, I think it would have been cool if they went with gray on the parts that are white on the glove. Edit: I still like them though, I just thought it might look better.
  9. I didn't customize my colors on the thumb logo, but when I got my gloves the printed colors were different from what was on the order sheet. It still looks good so I don't mind it.
  10. yeah, it's not on there for regular orders. He's the product manager for Warrior so he's got way more options than the customizer.
  11. I can say I learned something new today...I never knew what 1337 meant or what h4x0R meant.
  12. Dupes, I am very very very jealous of those gloves!
  13. I'm so horrible at this game, yesterday when I was playing someone sent me a message telling me to quit the game.
  14. it would have been pretty funny if his twin's name was Daniel.
  15. I like the new graphics without the swoosh, nice.
  16. me too, those XXXs look awesome. I think my team is going to switch to green and black uniforms soon (it's one of the few possible color schemes that we looking at), I'm almost drooling.
  17. dang that stick thing is pretty crazy. I should probably watch out for mine during pick ups now. It's probably not anything new, but to me it was kind of odd since its at pick up. Tonight at pick up, two guys almost went at it and they were both on the same team.
  18. I think part of the reason why it bothered me so much last time was that, the guy who was doing it was that, this was happening in their defensive zone and I play D and the guy was the winger on my side, so the whole time while my forwards were cycling it down low he kept tapping his stick about 5 feet away from me and I had to keep yelling "don't pass it back here". I think he did it in 3 or 4 different shifts.
  19. I was thinking of the same example, I think its just like that.
  20. I agree with yous 100% on the guy on the other team tapping his stick to call for a pass thing. When I was a kid and someone was doing it during pick up hockey with friends it was tolerable. But, when people do it now in my beer league games its so annoying and stupid, I mean I play beer league to have fun, so I like to have fun, but I like to have fun playing clean hockey and not some moron being really annoying and doing stupid stuff.
  21. I like the first ones (of the warrior designs the guy posted up).
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