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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by flyers10

  1. Summithockey - What are you going to be offering? 100/75, 100/50, 90/75...more? You beat BTM to it.
  2. For Arizona, Behind the Mask is supposed to start doing FBV in the near future. They estimate maybe between December - February they will start doing them at their Chandler store.
  3. I am on a FBV for the first time and I have felt that "washout" feeling. I feel it on all edges so I'm pretty confident that the issue is not the skates but a mental one for me. My rink usually has very hard ice. I just have to trust my edges more. Once I do that I know the "washout" will be gone.
  4. Good effort against Phoenix last Thursday.
  5. I had my CCM E60's baked & then go in the FIT machine. I definitely think the bladders helped the boot to mold a little better. I'll take any extra molding for a better long term fit. As for the U+ Pro's, I am trying out a pair right now and the instruction card that came with them recommends using the FIT machine right after the baking is done. Unfortunately my LHS stopped doing the FIT a couple years back.
  6. Helmet: Bauer 4500 w/cage Shoulder pads: Itech Lite 655 Elbow pads: Jofa 8044 Gloves: TPS HG1 Pants: Bauer One75 Shin pads: Bauer One90 Skates: CCM Externo E60 Stick: Easton Z-bubble shaft w/Ovechkin wood blade, Bauer XII Malkin, RBK 9k O-Stick pro stock
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