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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    NB One95, Mission AGX
  • Stick
    TPS R8, NB One95, NB One90

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  1. Black Fabric Sharpie. The only way I could clean the white trim. One done, one to go.
  2. I just got two gloves repalmed from George's. MIA's & Nike Bauer XXX's.
  3. This might be s dumb question, but do the Easton Synergy's fit bigger than typical 13's? It seems like a pretty big gap b/w the two sizes.
  4. I have to say, I like the look of the new gloves. Does anyone know if these will be top of the line gloves (like the Franchise Gloves)? The blooming cuff are a great feature with the new Franchise gloves, so it's cool to see it expanded to other gloves.
  5. They are actually 13" gloves, but are a little looser then my PPFi's. The cuff is also one piece apposed to the PPFi's that have a seperation between the top and side cuff's. Awesome gloves w/ I think goat leather.
  6. I got them off e-bay from powerplayauctions. He has them listed as 13"'s, so I hope this is true, or else they will be for sale shortly. I bought a pair of 14" Reebok / Eagle gloves and they are too big. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...e=STRK:MEWAX:IT + shipping of $15. More than I wanted to spend for used gloves, but they looked so nice, I just couldn't resist.
  7. Just picked these up;
  8. I got my new Warrior Custom Franchise In: I have one issue with them, and would like some feedback if anyone had a similar problem. The Warrior Lettering in Navy does not match the Navy stripes. I'm wondering if they either they used the wrong color for the lettering, or the Navy color just looks different b/w the two (which sucks). Anyone else have this issue?
  9. $60 (+ my cost to ship it out, they paid for the shipping back) to have the palms redone and I did not redo the gussets. The gloves were actualy new, I just wanted the Eagle Palms on them. I'm doing this to a pair of used Bauer 4-Rolls I bought from a member and maybe another pair, if I win them on Ebay.
  10. I just got my One90 - Pro Stock Phoenix gloves, re-palmed with Eagle MSH2, Palms back from George's Shoe & Hockey Repair. They did an amazing job and I highly recommend them.
  11. Here's the response I received today: "Warrior has told me they will not do these customizations. I can add mesh gussets in the comments and see if they will do them or not." I'm not sure how I can get a response directly from Warrior stating they could do it, and then they are telling the retail store they can't. Personnaly I'm going to pass for now.
  12. They haven't gotten back to me with a final answer yet, but I will let you know. I don't see how or why they wouldn't be able to if Warrior sais they can do it for free with just a note attached to the order.
  13. I realy want these, but they only will do what's on the customizer.
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