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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by rangers1234

  1. We both are wrong. The official Phoenix Coyotes colors are brick red, desert sand and black Pretty dam close to Maroon though.
  2. Yes, I went with Maroon. I'm a ranger fan, but I hate the Red & Blue they use, so I went with my own twist on the color scheme. I have a pair of PPFi's Navy/White on the way. I love the way they fit and I wanted all navy gloves, so there was no need to customize.
  3. I just ordered a pair of custom gloves from IW. Here's the design. All Tufftek except the whit stripe is Carbon White. The blue part is navy, so I'm hoping they come out a little darker. I also went w/ the VA-80 foam for the added comfort and the micro-nash palm for durability.
  4. Does the VA-80 w/ Pro Pack Foams make the glove bulkier and heavier? I was thinking about using just the VA-80 b/c I play in a non-checking league.
  5. I'm pretty sure that's a NB Vapor XXXX
  6. I'm sure this has been asked, but I want to be specific with my question and the closest LHS is 3 hrs away; I wear a 7.5 EE One95 and the skate fit's great in every area but one (and I love the skate after I changed the runner to the LS 2.0). There is a ton of room in the toe box. The arch, heel and length are all great. Would a X60 7.5 EE fix the toe box issue, or would I end up loosing the benefits in the other areas? Or should I look into the CCM U+ skates? Or am I looking for a skate (the perfect skate) that doesn't exist? Thanks in advance
  7. Does anyone know where I can get a 2010 Combat 52 Cal - Standard Shaft 80 flex (or lower)? I wish they would sell direct in the US, b/c none of the on-line dealers carry this shaft.
  8. Do they offer the 52 CAL shaft in the rounded shape? It doesn't look that way from the catalogue.
  9. I've Become A TPS WHORE; TPS R8 - WHIP - Frolov TPS R10 - Reg - Nash -> On It's Way TPS R8 - Taperred Shaft - Nash TPS R6 - WHIP - Nash -> On It's Way REEBOK 10K - Crosby One95 Skates One90 Gloves Mission AGX - Skates
  10. TPS R8 WHIP "Pro Feel" (70 Flex) Tappered Background: 5'8" 170 lbs Type of Play: Beer League Frequency: 2+ per week Blades Used (in order): - TPS R8 - Nash Previous Sticks; - TPS R8 OPS - RBK 10K - NB One95 OPS & Two Piece Flex / Shaft: The WHIP Flex is right on target. I have to cut my sticks so it's probably around 80 and it is whipy. The shaft shape is what I really love about this stick. It's basically an Intermediate shaft with Senior dimensions. So if you want a little more flex in your stick, but love the way your intermediate shaft feels in your hands, then this is the stick for you. 10/10 Weight: This is a light shaft - with the R8 blade, the balance is good as well. I will be adding a wood end plug eventually to help with the balance, but it's not a necessity. I feel it has better balance then my 10K OPS and equal to my ONE 95 OPS. 9/10 Shooting / Passing: This shaft is great for wristers and slap shots. It's a great all around stick. With some sticks I've had problems with one of my shots, but not with the R8 OPS or Two Piece. I'm not sure how much a shaft helps you pass, but my passes have been great with this shaft. 9/10 Durability: It's been about 4 months and the shaft looks brand new. So does the blade. I don't use it every time I skate, but so far, so good. 9/10 Overall: I have become a huge TPS fan after using both their OPS and Two Piece. They are great all around sticks that can be used for any position on the ice. I just ordered an R6 to test out the tri-flex thing and if I like it will eventually get an R10. I had a R8 Standard Shaft, but sold it to buy a One95 Shaft and that was a huge mistake. I will eventually get a standard shaft as well to go with my blades. 9.5/10
  11. Can you post pictures of this. I am having some serious lace bite and this could be a great solution.
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