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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Should I get T"Blades?  

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I have heard both good and bad about t'blades, and I am thinking about putting them on my Vapor XXXs. For those of you that have had them what are they like and are they worth it or not?

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i ve also heard good and bad things about t-blades also if your thinking about putting them on your vaporXXX's I wouldnt risk it

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The only benefit I see to t'blades is if you live in an area where sharpening is horrible. If not, don't worry about it. Almost all of the people I did t'blade swaps for went back to conventional blades. I will tell you this - at my old rink, NOBODY skated in t'blades - there wasn't a need to.

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i have tblades and love them, they allways seem sharp, for atleast 3 weeks.

they have so many options so u can mix and match things about the blades till you find your perfect match.

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I take it you couldn't find anything when you searched?

I sense a little sarcasm there. :-) I think we've been t-bladed to death.

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I take it you couldn't find anything when you searched?

I didn't want to start a new topic for this:

When ever I use the search I can never seem to get what I'm looking for and always get the most recent topics. Any ideas on what im doing wrong?

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I like to stick to one word, try to remember something from the thread thats unusual. Chadd says to add a + between words Mission+S500 for example. It's a little tricky, but usually, if you thinking things out, it comes fairly easily.

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I take it you couldn't find anything when you searched?

I didn't want to start a new topic for this:

When ever I use the search I can never seem to get what I'm looking for and always get the most recent topics. Any ideas on what im doing wrong?

Click on "help" at the top of the page, there is some info on searching there. We will be updating the info to make it as useful as possible.

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ive heard lost of different things on the T blades but its probably personal preferance so give 'em a try

I had a guy come in and ask for the titanium blades that never need sharpening. It seems the local shop carrying them has been telling people that because they are titanium, they will remain sharp forever.

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its not just about if you can get a good sharpening on normal blades

t-blades feel completley differnet from normal, so you can also base your decision on how they feel

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I had a guy come in and ask for the titanium blades that never need sharpening. It seems the local shop carrying them has been telling people that because they are titanium, they will remain sharp forever.

Thats funny. People should realize that as cool as something made of titanium sounds, it holds an edge about as well as aluminum foil.

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