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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How to make your own curve?

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How do you make your own curve? or where do u order them from? I tried curving some wood blades with a blow torch but i can never seem to get the same curve and the allways break way faster, plus i can never curve it in the heel. the way i like it. Any one know how to proporaly change your curve?

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not sure how to really curve a heel as i like a toe but if you manage to get a good curve going for ya your LHS should be able to hook you up with some custom christians by sending it away.

like kosydar said take a look around, somebody was talking about it not that long ago.

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Heel curves are the most difficult to make and mistakes tend to end up in broken sticks.

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.......but i can never seem to get the same curve and the allways break way faster..........

You'd be much better off just getting some customs. Wood blades don't have good durabilty to begin with, and heating them only makes it worse.

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i actually curved my TPS prostocks over a stove, i'll upload a couple pics tomorrow, but i managed to turn a tkachuk into a decent heel wedge-ish blade

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I tried curving some wood blades with a blow torch but i can never seem to get the same curve and the allways break way faster

he already tried that but hes having trouble with a heel

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