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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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the iceman

Sher-Wood Tapered stick available at Sport Chek...

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Not my cup of tea, but for those that are interested:

I was in Sport Chek today (Downtown Vancouver) and they had some Sher-Wood Taper Flex sticks that appeared to be the shafts mounted with a tapered Axion blade. The shafts were in 95 and 100 flexes and they had different players' names stamped on the shaft.

The good news: Sport Chek has hockey equipt. sales every now and then so chances are that these MIGHT go on sale for cheap just like they did with the TPS Response and Hespeler sticks.

The bad news: they were listed at being around $200.00 Cdn.

Just thought I would let you all know because I remeber reading that some of the members were asking about the Sher-Wood Taper Flex

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ya we got them in a couple weeks ago, theyre all pro stocks. and yes they are going down drastically in price (im buying the havlat pro when they do) but not for awhile. Look for them to be @ 99.99 can a few months down the road

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Sher-Wood Taper Flex sticks that appeared to be the shafts mounted with a tapered Axion blade.

Did you mean they come with the blade? Or are they only shafts? Because Sport Check used to sell cyclones for 79.99 can, and they came with Ultra Graphite blades, it was a sweet deal....

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The Taper Flex isn't a "tapered" stick. It's thicker on top and tapers to an standard blade.

Would you say the handle end of the Senior Taper flex is thicker than say..........an Easton Grip Lite?

I'm interested in trying one but if it's crazy thick, I'd have to go Intermediate.

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the taper flex is tapered and fits only tapered blades, the force flex fits standard. I got a tapered and it is pretty much the eclipse shaft. It is a bit heavy but really durable.

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the sherwood taper flex sticks/shafts aren't tapered shafts. about half a dozen kids on me team had them last year, and they are not tapered. they're just regular standard shafts

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actually the taper shaft is normal thickness at both ends of the shaft and there is a taper about 3 inches or so up from the bottom of the shaft but then it just goes back to the regular size. you can only use normal blades for it. a tapered blade wouldn't fit unless you cut the shaft where the taper is on the shaft then it might work.

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sherwood is making a tapered composite blade in the spezza, crosby, and coffey patterns. its on their site. i havent seen it online for sale anywhere, or in any lhs, but ths site has pictures. it would make sense that if theyre making a tapered blade, a shaft would eventually follow.

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the tapered blades are for the new momentum comp taper fit shaft. the old taper flex shaft the person was asking about fits normal style blades. it has a taper 3 inches above the bottom of the shafts then goes back to the normal size.

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no the z-bubble taper's then flares out. and waht these guys are say in that the sherwood is thicker up top and taper's a bit not as much as the z-bubble.

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the sherwood taper flex shaft is the same thickness at the top as it is at the bottom. so yes like a z bubble

the tapers i have seen do not look like a z-bubble it does not flare out like the bubble.

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I saw one at the pro shop at my arena it had the sand paper grip on it.

Yes, they do have sandpaper grip on them. It wears down after a while, and then the shaft is very slick. I actually liked the combo of sandpaper grip + contoured shaft.

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