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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Visor Types

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Hey there, im looking for a new visor. I bought my current helmet (incl. visor) on ebay and it is kinda scratched. So there are some different kinds of halfvisors, which is the best or is that also personal preference ?





And my second question is: What do you think of Hejduk Visors?

Are they popular in the US/Canada? Its a Czech Company and very popular in the czech rep. and their popularity grows in europe every day.

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I have to use a full cage, but the moment I'm 18, I'm using the #2 visor in your list of visors... It's small, provides protection to the eyes and just...sleek :D

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The #2 looks like the Itech HS22 and that's a fairly big visor. I prefer the mh700 from the website. It looks like the oakley straight small I used to use.

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how about answering the first question ;)

Other than making sure it's optically correct, it's all preference.

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how about answering the first question ;)

Like everything else, it's personal preference. In my experience, the shorter visors (from top to bottom) fog up less than the taller ones, but thats about it.

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I prefer the straight cut visor (the second one). I guess that's because it was really the only half visor I ever owned.

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#3 (Pro Wave) I think the cut out on top and around the nose help prevent fogging....If your breath doesn't get in your face it's less likely to fog.

But that's just me...I've also got the glasses issue to deal with though.

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