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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New mission site is online

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Is it finished? When I click on the ice hockey section it takes about a minute and a half to load. Then all I get is a pic of the Hex or the L7 skate.

I do like the news thing about the S500, I wonder why they left out the other two product awards they won.

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I don't think it's totally finished, they have the Hex-1 information and the L7 information. I did see the modsquadhockey award thing but I couldn't read the article. Someone should inform them on all their winnings, good promoting for them and MSH.

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I don't think it's totally finished, they have the Hex-1 information and the L7 information. I did see the modsquadhockey award thing but I couldn't read the article. Someone should inform them on all their winnings, good promoting for them and MSH.

They had awards made up and on display at the expo in Vegas. JR emailed product managers at each company that won an award.

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I was curious, don't companies want to advertise here Chadd? Or don't you let them?

We don't want to give the appearance that we favor any manufacturer for any reason other than the quality of their products. As such, we do not accept money from any manufacturer.

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How are the awards decided upon, and how complete of an equipment line-up are awards given for?

I think all of the questions are answered here. If you have more questions ask them.

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Is there anywhere on there to view the blade patterns for the Hex-1? I remember someone telling me that there is no more Carter (drury curve) for Mission, or on the Hex-1

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I hope they won't use the same Flash-based design for their ice hockey section as they are using for the roller hockey section. The Flash stuff is flashy but it's useless for showcasing their products. Everything is blurry and constantly moving around. It gets pretty annoying when you have to keep chasing a moving link with your curser. The old fashion (i.e. 2004) ice hockey section is so much easier and informative than the 2005 roller section.

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