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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2005 Stealths

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i just sent back my broken stealth so when i use the stealth grip im getting i will tell you if it is any better

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they changed the 05 stealths??

Most first runs have some issues that need to be worked out. SL chipping, V130 covers coming off, M-1 blades/fuse, Stealth had some chipping issues and handle breakage. Normally the second run is better, for '05 they just added some flexes and curves and I assume he is asking whether these have any of the problems as the other Stealths.

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I think the chipping problems were with the first generation Silver bottoms, so really, you can't. Sometimes there are little hints, but I can't think of any (maybe others know). Just be confident that if it's a defective stick, it'll break right away then hope you'll get a good one once its returned.

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Yeah, I was just wondering if the "newer" ones wer having the handle breakage. My friend got a 100 flex Drury Stealth as a warranty replacement and he's used it once, and doesn't like it...so I'm thinking of buying it from him. So I was curious about if these newer ones were having the same problems as the old ones.

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the way to tell is how far up the silver paint at the bottom goes up.

04 is lower than of 05's. My 05 goes up just almost to the middle of the first EASTON up to about the S.

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the way to tell is how far up the silver paint at the bottom goes up.

04 is lower than of 05's. My 05 goes up just almost to the middle of the first EASTON up to about the S.

true for the most part. there were a FEW that we got in the shop just a few weeks after the intiial relise that had the higher chrome paint. but for the most part, if the chrome goes higher, chances are its the newer one.

FYI- my 04 goes up to right between the O & N

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the paint at the bottom still is gonna chip, but I haven't seen a newer stealth break in a long time.

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You may be able to tell by the name plates. I think the 04 just had the name, the 05's I think have the P whatever one them. I saw one friday that said Sakic P3 on the name plate. Not sure though.

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According to the cataloge that I saw, the 110 flex stealths are a European issue only.

I just bought a Grip ST(the ugly green one) and it says Lidstrom P5, but my Stealth just said Lidstrom, no P number.

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