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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Inno 1100s for $50 USD

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wtf? Why is my inno labeled as a 300 flex?

It was labeled as a 260 flex on the sticker when I bought it. I got it at The Hockey Shop.

Anyone know if i'd be able to exchange it since it was a mistake on their part?

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Interesting...aren't those graphics usually yellow? I'm pretty sure they are on my stock 1100 shaft, but they are red on my GI Wallin 1100 (Red Wings).

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SGAZI76, yes mine is the same. Red colored rough coating underneath with a logo near the butt end. I bet if you took off all the black over coating that there would be graphics in other places. I think the only way to tell what these shafts really are is to A/B compare them to a known 1100. The kickpoint on my 260 shaft is pretty crazy, lot's of snap to it, more flexy than my novius 260 which doesn't seem to kick at all!? I'll have another game on sunday to give more of a review.

Someone tell me how to upload a picture to a post....


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wtf? Why is my inno labeled as a 300 flex?

It was labeled as a 260 flex on the sticker when I bought it. I got it at The Hockey Shop.

Anyone know if i'd be able to exchange it since it was a mistake on their part?

Hey royale... does your shaft actually feel like a 300 flex ?? If so, I am very interested in purchasing the 300 flex shaft rather than the 260 flex. Do you live near the store ?? Please give me an update as to if I can purchase these 300 flex shafts... THanks

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Well I can't say for sure if it feels like a "300" flex, but if that's what it says on the label inside of the butt-end, then it probably is a 300.

It didn't feel anymore flexier than the other 260 flex (supposedly, maybe most are 300's?!) when I flexed them in the store, but I didn't spend considerable time comparing the flexes of the 260 shafts if you know what I mean.

But, compared to the stardard 220 shaft, it was definitely a lot more flexible.

As far as selling it, i'm not sure yet. I've already used it for about a week and there are a few knicks, but I'm kinda gettting used to it.

Unless you already have a 260, I would be willling to trade. I'm not to keen on selling my shaft for less than what I bought it at, and then buying another one at full-price.

Oh ya, I live in burnaby btw.

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While we are on the topic of Inno flexes...does anyone know how much of a difference there is between the 300 and 340 flex?

about 5 easton flex. so its a 75 rather than an 80

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The shaft handle 5, people saying it was very square, how does it compare to a synergy, more boxy? Thanks for any help

a coupla years ago, i bought a 5/300 1100... it was really boxy, more boxy than the synergies i've had. i liked that shape a lot, actually. that was the previous handle numbering system though, i think they have a different one now (more two digit numbers). my novius that had a handle shape like a synergy was 29.

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Interesting...aren't those graphics usually yellow? I'm pretty sure they are on my stock 1100 shaft, but they are red on my GI Wallin 1100 (Red Wings).

They'd be yellow if it was a 1100. This looks like a Novius with a 1100 paint job.

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Interesting...aren't those graphics usually yellow?  I'm pretty sure they are on my stock 1100 shaft,  but they are red on my GI Wallin 1100 (Red Wings).

They'd be yellow if it was a 1100. This looks like a Novius with a 1100 paint job.

The shaft shape looks like a novius as well. The 1100 was usually either the hard square or rounded handle while the Novius has a very slight concave feel with slightly more radius on the corners.

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Someone tell me how to upload a picture to a post....


If you want, I'll upload and post it for you. A good uploader is http://www.pifiu.com/upload. Just click "Browse" then click on the file you want. Then you can click "Upload" and it will give you an address. Then you can come here and click either IMG if it's small or you can click the http:// button and type the address. Or you can PM me if you want me to do it.

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I've already scraped the hell out of mine so we can see what's underneath. So what's the conclusion? Is it a Novius? If so, do we have to worry about which hand it is now?

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are you guys just scratching that stuff off? if you can remove it with paint remover or something, i'd do it to the whole shaft. i think it would look kinda cool in a vapor xx kind of way.

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mine just scratched off when I pulled off the handle tape. I can tell that this stick will be black and red in about 3 more games! I see it chipping off all over the shaft! I play in an especially sticky ice league.


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I just wanna know what it is. Do you see a boron spine anywhere? I don't know what to look for.

I turned my picture to the side and put a little piece of the Novius picture in it. It's not exactly the same, but close.


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