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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need Some Help With New Skate Decision

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I'm in the market for new skates right now and I wanted peoples opinions on which of these two models I should go with.

SYNERGY 1300c or Vapor XXX

I currently have Vapor XX's that are about half way through their life span now. The steel is getting pretty low and I want to turn them into rollerblades.

So, most people would say if I like my Vapor XX's, why not get Vapor XXX's right? Well, I have been pretty happy with my XX's, but sometimes I wonder if another skate would offer me even more performance. I'm not all that impressed with the way the Vapor skates flex forward. They say that the flex notch is there to allow for good forward flexion; but let's be honest, a tiny piece of rubber surrounded by stiff leather and synthetic materials isn't going to do much if anything. The Synergy's have COIL technology and seem to have better forward flex out of the box from what I could tell when I tried them on.

I'm just wondering if there is anyone out there that has demo'd both of these models? If so, could you give me some insight and let me know what you liked or disliked about each model. I don't want to hear anyone knocking Vapors for their durability. I've heard enough of that already. I just want some useful information. Keep comments on holders/steel out. I already have plans to put a Lightspeed on the Synergy's if I get them. Also, I know alot of people on here like Mission skates because of the lower cut boot, but I'm not able to get Missions for the same low price as the other two. So for now lets just stick to the two models mentioned above. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.


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for me i used vapor xx's for three months then i out grew out of them,so i decided to try the synergy skates and i loved them,if you like stiff skates.go for them

i liked the razor bladz alot better than the light speeds but thats just my opinion

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the synergy boot does offer abit more forward flex then the vapor XXX because i find bauer puts alot of there stiffeners in the upper part of the boot which does restrict forward movement. if your looking for forward movment try the synergy or the graf and ccm skate since the new ccm/rbk skates come with this latch so you can do the bottom part tight and the uppers looser to increase forward flex.

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while being bored and sitting at my lhs while my buddy worked, i tried the synergy skates on, and with tieing them up like i normally do with my skates (all eyeholes and fairly tight), i could not flex my foot at all! the boot just would not bend for me. i wasn't even that impressed by the skates either, besides for them being pretty light, but not that noticeable than my 703's. i don't know how the bauers are in terms of forward flex, but there was no give for me with synergys

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Something i found about flex forward...which can help to have a better flex forward is the tongue...since i'm 3yr old i always lace it to the top eyelet

I was considering buying the Nike V10/V-12 but i finally go for the 1152 because of the better flex forward(but why do i feel the flex was better on the 1152??)

I think it because, in major part, The tongue...The tongue on the NIKE(because there molded) they are way stiffer than the CCM tongue..

Just my opinions...

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I shyed away from the V-10/V-12's because they are made in china, my LHS dealer said that there would probably be some defects, quality would be affected. But back to XXX's vs SyNergy's I say go for fit, I've tried both on and the Synergy's didn't fit that well, my ankles hurt a fair amount, plus you cannot get them heat molded. So for some people that would be a problem.

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i was always told by store employees that you should always tie up to the top eyelet. i can't really remember what the reason was, i think maybe premature breakdown. i have graf 703's, and i tie them all the way up, tongues out, and the forward flex i get from the skate is unreal. i tie my skates fairly tight, and yet i can still bend my foot forward easily, and it's not the boot bending either. its pure bliss. best skate out there, aside from the leather which chews up quick

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I shyed away from the V-10/V-12's because they are made in china, my LHS dealer said that there would probably be some defects, quality would be affected. But back to XXX's vs SyNergy's I say go for fit, I've tried both on and the Synergy's didn't fit that well, my ankles hurt a fair amount, plus you cannot get them heat molded. So for some people that would be a problem

Most of your gear is likely made in China or similar location..

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I shyed away from the V-10/V-12's because they are made in china, my LHS dealer said that there would probably be some defects, quality would be affected. But back to XXX's vs SyNergy's I say go for fit, I've tried both on and the Synergy's didn't fit that well, my ankles hurt a fair amount, plus you cannot get them heat molded. So for some people that would be a problem

Most of your gear is likely made in China or similar location..

yes, RBK,bauer vapor XXX,XX,8090 are made in china. the entire nike line is made in china, easton synergy made in china.only thing made in canada now is GRAF. also the new flexlite skates are the more durable boot in the entire bauer/nike lineup from testing done to it

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I had a chance to demo a SyNergy skate last night. It wasn't bad, but considering that my XX's still feel better to me and I won't have to swap the holders, I'm gonna go with the XXX's. Thanks for all the help guys.

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