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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tip for washing your gear

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I bought a cheap $10 clothes drying rack at Walmart. After every game (usually the next day because I'm lazy), I lay out all my gear on the drying rack. Then I spray some Clorox disinfectant over all of it, and some Febreeze. My stuff stays pretty dry and pretty clean, and it smells fresh to boot.

I've heard good things about the Nature's Miracle spray you get at pet stores...probably does a better job of killing bacteria.

Maybe once a year I'll take my stuff and get it done at a shop or rink that does the cleaning...I've heard great things about that as well.

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If you are having trouble with your gear floating in the machine, put it inside a pillow case with a zipper. That also seems to keep it from getting damaged.

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If you are having trouble with your gear floating in the machine, put it inside a pillow case with a zipper. That also seems to keep it from getting damaged.

We got a front loading washing machine a year or so ago and I've just started using it to wash some of my gear. I tossed my shoulders (SW 5030) and shin pad liners in and they came out great.

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I've just tossed mine in the washing machine, my stuff hasnt floated, I dont think anyways. I usually just put in a bit of soap and alot of oxy clean. Bad idea?? In the summer sometimes Ill just wash it then hang it outside for a few days, or just air it out side for 2 or 3 days, it usually smells alright after that. But this season it started to smell really bad, so I got it taked to the place that washes equipment it gets done in a day and does everything except skates, socks and jersey. And it smelled pretty fresh to.

I also now have a deodarant stick thing that is suppose to kill bacteria and reduce odor in my hockey bag.

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i've got a front loading washing machine so that works for my shin liners, elbows, shoulders and all those things...the one thing i havent tried to clean yet are my gloves, and do they ever need a cleaning. Anyone know if its ok to throw in my gloves into the washing machine?? they're mission warp 0's, so they're not nylons.....im assuming if i do this just to use cold water?

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Thanks for the posts all, some good ideas. If you look on Hockey Monkey, they have a pretty cool new deoderizer that looks like a roller hockey ball that supposedly lasts 4 months. Anybody use it yet?

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My deodarizer is something like that except just like the size of a puck and is suppose to last only 6 weeks, but I think it's only about 7 dollars...so not really that bad of a price...

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I put most of my gear into the washer, but I have a front loader so it works great.

Gloves, I put inside a pillow case to avoid having the leather thrashed

Helmet goes into the dishwasher without a problem. Some cheaper helmets will find that the glue that holds the pads inside the helmet will come lose, some hot glue will fix that problem.


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Helmet goes into the dishwasher without a problem. Some cheaper helmets will find that the glue that holds the pads inside the helmet will come lose, some hot glue will fix that problem.


lmfaoo When do you try these things?

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Here its only 25$ for them to clean dis-infect and deodarize

Washing machines/dishwashers can actually promote the growth of bacteria. Use SaniSport. If you need a quick fix, find some wintergreen rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide, mix equal parts in a spray bottle, spray on generously, let dry.

Can you just use normal rubbing alcohol? Or does it have to be winter green?

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