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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy 1300C

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I just got a pair of synergy skates to demo at my lhs and after about an hour of skating on them my ankles (right above that round bone on the inside) were killing me. I could barely skate for five minutes before I had to get off and rest my ankles.

Is this just the molding/breakin process? Does this have anything to do with the size of skate?


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Sounds like they just don't fit you. There really isn't much breaking in you can do with a composite skate.

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No I dont think it was the breaking in process. Many people had the problem in the same spot you do with the first synergy's that came out. I don't think you have the 1300c's because they were working on the problem and I don't think they give the 1300's out for demo. It's just a problem with the Synergy's most people have.

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well you could always cheat and soak a pair of socks in hot water and put your feet in the boot with ur socks all wet to loosen the inside of the padding

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i get a pain on the inside of my ankle ,but thats only with lowend skates.ive had the synergy skates for a couple of months now and they are very comfortable and haven hurt my ankle at all..so maybe you need to get skates that are bakeable so they mold to your ankle right away

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I had outer ankle issues with a pair of '04 Synergy's. After about a month or so I was able to solve that problem and they were probably one of the most comfortable skates I had ever worn.

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You could, but your dealing with a rock hard composite skate, not Bauer black panthers.

Bauer Black Panther's, oh wow, i have a pair of them, that were given to my by my dad, may as well just throw on 2 pairs of socks, and attach some blades to them, they're awesome for just screwing around though.

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Could someone please explain the difference between the '04 and '05 SyNergy skates.

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AFAIK, the 05s are slightly lower cut and feature a different liner and tongue. Not sure what else has been changed.

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Does the pain ever go away?

The pain went away for me after a couple months, but that's only becasue I gave up and sold the skates...

It's my opinion that if they don't feel right after 2 or 3 skates, they are not going to get any better for you. I tried to break mine in for ~ 2 months with no success. During that 2 months, the best word to describe the pain was crippling.

My new unbaked Bauer's felt better on the first skate than my Synergy's felt after 2 months of "break-in."

Mine were 04's

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the o5 liner is abit stiffer i find and they supposedly improved the bottom part of the skate since that part was somewhat chipping away

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I also heard they were tweaking the location of the flex point and the making the overall skate a little less stiff to address some of the bruising users were experiencing.

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