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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Painted SL

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I remember some of you guys asking for pics of my SL when I first would spray it..so here you go.








One weird thing I noticed was that Easton uses that darker/weirder color grey (where the blue used to be before I painted it) on the underside of their paintjobs. It is the same shade as the paint on a Stealth, on the underside of the chromey color. Just something I thought was weird..

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Looks pretty nice, speaking of Int SL's, I was recently given a Forsberg to try out. Should make for a nice rubber band man session.

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Looks pretty nice, speaking of Int SL's, I was recently given a Forsberg to try out. Should make for a nice rubber band man session.

Nice, they've got a lotta kick when you first try them out. I want to get an 85 as my next one and see how she goes from there.

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I've been using my Drury 85 for about 2 months, seeing as im 5'9 175, the Int should make for some interesting results.

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I'm not really sure if this is a dumb idea or not but why is the stealth the way it is? (black to grey fade) It seems that the painting of the stick is pretty popular with pros and normal people like us, so why didnt easton make it the opposite way grey to black fade and make it look exactly like the stick he painted? just a lil thought i had

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the blue grey underneath is most likely the primer coat. it it doesnt carry through the whole stick, it could be why they all chip off the blue. or it could be the blue just doesnt stick to the primer coat. i would think the spray paint will come off just as quick or more so than the blue.

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Sniper - It took me around 25 seconds. Tough stuff indeed

Opus - It'll come off easy. Doesn't matter, I can do it whenever I want to relaly. The grey underneath does actually carry through the whole stick. It is at the top where the paint is coming off too, as well as the middle..

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doesnmt come off as easy as easton paint. kid om ,y team did exact same thing as u and doesnt chip. and i have a modano, not forsberg SL and tis chipped liek the one in pic above only 85 flex, and the reason paint chipped so bad when i showed the rep was because it was made in october he said.

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Mine was a first batch one. I got it the first day it was at my LHS. Paint chips like a monster on it, it doesn't matter though, its a wicked stick.

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Damn Sherwood, that looks dope! i think i might do the same as after 4 games and about 8 practices im loosing the blue too! Did you just use normal Spray from a hardware store or somthing different ??

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I used paint from a harware store I guess..It was in my basement. I used painters touch multipurpose paint, which I also used on my Synthesis and RBK.

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guys its not very hard to spraypaint your stick ,as long as you do it evenly on the stick it will come out fine ....i spraypainted my rbk from the top of the blade to about a foot up the shaft (i recommend you use flat black ,it doesnt glare or chip as easily as gloss)

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sherwood, where on the blade do you stop spraypainting?

Around 2 inches from the end of the blade, which is where I tape to.

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Looks pretty good. I'm thinking about painting my XN10 completely black, the yellow/white/black combo is starting to bother me, plus the all black takes away the "rich kid" status of stick

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