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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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novius tapered shaft

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anyone who has one, what is the shaft of the novius shaped like? im between picking up that or a vap xv but if the novius soft grip is a little more rounded than the vapor id probably lean toward that. thanks

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i think its the same shaft - i heard that inno was making some of the bauer products. i have a novious, its contoured to be thin in the middle and wider at the edges - i believe its called concave. i think the bauer is the same, but im basing that off of pictures. the contour of the novious is very noticeable when holding it - its a pp thing. i like it.

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since we are on the topic of novius shafts...

are "intermediate flex" inno shafts intermediate? (like is it shorter than a senior but taller than a junior and does it take only intermidiate size blades?) or is the flex only just intermediate?

I have never seen an "intermediate flex" so thats why im asking...

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since we are on the topic of novius shafts...

are "intermediate flex" inno shafts intermediate? (like is it shorter than a senior but taller than a junior and does it take only intermidiate size blades?) or is the flex only just intermediate?

I have never seen an "intermediate flex" so thats why im asking...

The intermediate flex is 380(Easton 70). They accept Sr. tapered blades.

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do novius shafts come in an 0 shape? i didnt think they did thats why i ask...

I've only seen 1100s in that shape.

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