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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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To ESPN as well as over 75% of Americans probably dont even care about the World Championships. They figure that theres been a huge decline in hockey intrest in americans. Also they have NBA playoffs, baseball and other events they have contracts with meaning they dont have any room to put the world championships in.

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Are you sure ESPN covers the World Championships becasue I wouldn't even call it a major tournament compared to the Olympics or the World Cup

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why isnt espn covering the world championships ...?

It would cut into Hold 'Em Poker time...

I don't mind watching it every now and then...when did it become a "Sport"

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So true. But seriously, you cant expect hockey to get anywhere near the coverage of the NBA playoffs. Personally, I dont really care about the world championships, Id much rather watch the real playoffs. I guess I speak for most of the American audience and thats why they arent showing it.

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ESPN had to buy the rights for all the games and not just select Canada, US ,etc..so they didn't think it was a viable option as the rights for all the games were high to begin with

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ESPN had to buy the rights for all the games and not just select Canada, US ,etc..so they didn't think it was a viable option as the rights for all the games were high to begin with

I've heard that in a number of places. The IIHF rights fees were absurdly high this year. It seems like they could have actually sold the rights in north america this year, unlike in years past, if they had been a little more realistic.

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im watching the world championships online - its been awesome so far. the games are archived so you can either watch them streaming or download the whole game and watch it whenever you want for three months. its like 30 bucks to watch all the games - or 5 bucks a game, i think. it sbetter than espn as far as im concerned - they wouldve only shown the us games.

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ya like back when they had the world jr's they showed all of the us games but didn't even show the finals, thats gay

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When it started getting better TV ratings than hockey.

I think I remember hearing hockey ratings were competitive with bowling. Anybody ever watch scrabble, I saw some of it the other day?

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Hockey's just a risky gamble to televise, especially now. It wasn't popular before the lockout and do you think Joe American is going to be happy to watch them with the lockout still looming?

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im watching the world championships online - its been awesome so far. the games are archived so you can either watch them streaming or download the whole game and watch it whenever you want for three months. its like 30 bucks to watch all the games - or 5 bucks a game, i think. it sbetter than espn as far as im concerned - they wouldve only shown the us games.

Do you have to pay for streaming ones too?

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ESPN had to buy the rights for all the games and not just select Canada, US ,etc..so they didn't think it was a viable option as the rights for all the games were high to begin with

I've heard that in a number of places. The IIHF rights fees were absurdly high this year. It seems like they could have actually sold the rights in north america this year, unlike in years past, if they had been a little more realistic.

Fasel also said the IIHF offered games from the world championships to American television networks for free and there were no takers.

"For free and we could not succeed," said Fasel. "It is a difficult market in U.S. television for ice hockey. We will continue trying."

According to Sportsnet. http://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/article.jsp...504_150554_3460


Hard to believe... free? And nobody picked it up? I would've thought Fox Sports North at least could've found a way to make it worth the effort to broadcast the feeds.

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Everything I heard said they were asking for a big payday. Maybe they offered it for free at the last minute or the TV execs aren't telling the truth. Free programming is usually the type of thing a network would jump on.

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Fasel also said the IIHF offered games from the world championships to American television networks for free and there were no takers.

"For free and we could not succeed," said Fasel. "It is a difficult market in U.S. television for ice hockey. We will continue trying."

Maybe read between the lines.....it did not say they offered all the games for free....just "games"..like if you buy the Russia/US, Canada /US, Sweden/US/Canada etc. then you get Slovenia/Austria for free, as well as Germany/Belarus etc. etc.....

Typical marketing hype....sorry but I do tend to fall on the cynical side of things like this at times....

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Yup, I think there's some spin going on.

Other interesting "conspiracy" theory I read: ESPN turned down the free games as a positioning move for when it comes to making a deal with the NHL. "Look, we can't even make international games work when they're free... any deal has to be strictly on our terms."

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