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Hardest recorded shot?

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Iafrate in the skills shot 106.

There is a rumour that Bobby Hull shot in the teens in street shoes once, but I doubt that. He was one of the fastest, but to be 10 mph faster I don't think is possible.

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I read in a book that bobby hull use to shot 115mph.. can't remeber which thought

I've heard up to 130 on Hull but they're all estimates.

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that would be so sweet to have a shot that fast .man with a shot beetween 115-130mph you could smash it through the board still and break the guys shin whos sitting in the first row

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that would be so sweet to have a shot that fast .man with a shot beetween 115-130mph you could smash it through the board still and break the guys shin whos sitting in the first row

That sounds productive.

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that would be so sweet to have a shot that fast .man with a shot beetween 115-130mph you could smash it through the board still and break the guys shin whos sitting in the first row

Wow. That is fast. I heard of some kid being able to throw a baseball like 160mph though. As for breaking a spectators shin, I was thinking more along the lines of shooting a 130 mph shot on goal, so as to try and score.

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Wow. That is fast. I heard of some kid being able to throw a baseball like 160mph though.

And after 5 pitches at that speed he'd probably be done for the day...

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Wow. That is fast. I heard of some kid being able to throw a baseball like 160mph though.

that site says that the fastest pitch ever was 100.9mph. 160km would make sense but 160mph, thats 59 more than the reported record

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Wow, some of these #'s are hard to believe. Hull shooting 110+ mph with those heavy @ss wood sticks from back in the day? hmm, I dunno...

That 108 from Modin is pretty impressive, I think Modano did like 103 mph at the Stars skills comp. a few years back, I thought that was pretty good.

I remember one time on ESPN when they showed the clip of Iafrate shooting 105 mph Melrose said it was because the puck was so scared of him and his ugly haircut, haha

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I got a speed gun for X-mas and I hit 87 with a slapper (L-2 and synthesis blade) and my brother plays high level baseball, he hit 73 but he's a catcher. I heard hull somewhere in the twenties but they are rumors.

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Rob Dibble supposedly threw the hardest pitch ever in a game, but he plunked someone with it. They used time stamped frame by frame video and position of the batter to try and figure out the exact speed.

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I heard of some kid being able to throw a baseball like 160mph though.

I don't believe that all.

Softball players are able to generate more speed by throwing it underhand but I've never heard any of them near 160MPH

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Modin was 108 in the team competition one year.

I believe that was when Freddy Modin was with the Lightning right?

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Bobby Hull possessed an amazing physique. He looked more like a body builder than a hockey player. I dont think that a heavy @ss wood stick was all that heavy to him.

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shawn Heins 106mph in a minors skill competition the stick is in the hall as the hardest shot ever recorded

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Wow, some of these #'s are hard to believe. Hull shooting 110+ mph with those heavy @ss wood sticks from back in the day? hmm, I dunno...

That 108 from Modin is pretty impressive, I think Modano did like 103 mph at the Stars skills comp. a few years back, I thought that was pretty good.

I remember one time on ESPN when they showed the clip of Iafrate shooting 105 mph Melrose said it was because the puck was so scared of him and his ugly haircut, haha

If a person is strong enough to get a good swing speed and good flex, I'd think a heavier stick would help.

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I'm not sure about Modin...I know he was in the 100s but I don't think he was that high. I can call my friend - he works for the Lightning.

Heins hit 106 in the IHL All-Star competition.

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