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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Upper body or lower body

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Which part of your body is most important for hockey the upper or lower part?

Just would like to know so i can work on it. I am talking for full contact hockey.

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Lower. It's where everything comes from, but you have to keep the trunk in shape too. Just look at what Jagr did growing up and still does.

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Lower. It's where everything comes from, but you have to keep the trunk in shape too. Just look at what Jagr did growing up and still does.

Mack, do you talk of the 1000 squats a day...

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upper body comes in handy too ,bicep/triceps for pushing people when battling in corners ,in front of the net etc. ,forearms for shooting and theres probably more ,my shot has actually been niticably harder since ive been doing more bicep curls and hammer curls.

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If you're looking to concentrate on certain things in the gym, as in weightlifting, then do more compound exercises, like squats, deadlifts (both types), olympic lifts (if you know how or have a trainer), bench press, dips, pullups, rows, and lots of ab and low back work. Don't just concentrate on waist down or waist up exercises, cuz you will either be slow or pushed around easily.

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If you're looking to concentrate on certain things in the gym, as in weightlifting, then do more compound exercises, like squats, deadlifts (both types), olympic lifts (if you know how or have a trainer), bench press, dips, pullups, rows, and lots of ab and low back work. Don't just concentrate on waist down or waist up exercises, cuz you will either be slow or pushed around easily.

For lower back, right now, I do some back extension. Do you know others good back extension I could put in my workouts?

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^i think stretching is the best thing for that ,like the one where your on your knees with your bumpretty much on your feet and you stretch your arms out. I have been doing that one and it helps

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i think you need a good combination of both to be a good player, forearms for shots, and upper body to take some punishment. of course you can't abandon your core since a lot of the skills in hockey require good core strength...

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if you focus alot on arms ,make sure you do alot of back exersices too ,ive bin told bad stories from my weight teacher about focusing on arms and nothing but arms

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Don't just concentrate on waist down or waist up exercises, cuz you will either be slow or pushed around easily.

Although I'm not an advocate of only working lower body, if you don't work out your upper body, it doesn't mean you're going to get pused around. Stregnth on your skates and stride power are a lot more important than upper body stregnth when it comes to stability.

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listen to sb39 he knows whats up, and definently do deadlifts but practice form before heavyweight. They make a huge difference possibly the best excersize if done properly.

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Kovy, after working in a gym for 4 years, I have some unconditional advice for people. One of those shards of wisdom being: Do not use any machines to work your lower back. No machine can adequately adjust or be adjusted for your specific frame and comfort, and most people use them wrong to begin with. Stick to bodyweight or freeweight exercises: hyperextensions (you are anchored at the waist and you lower your upper body down and then back up), both types of deadlifts, and good mornings are the main ones besides olympic lifts.

To actually answer the question at hand, which I seldom ever do except in the form of another question, your lower body strength and endurance counts more for hockey, and most sports in general, but forget that and really just geft yourself in overall great shape: just a hint, it's easy once you get a routine and don't drink (much...)

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For Olympic lifts, google olympic lifts and see what comes up, and bodybuilding.com has them for example, but I would look to those as a guide before you get more input, not concrete steps. Get a trainer that has done them and knows what he's doing. Go light for the first month or more of doing them to get the form perfect, and I mean perfect, because moving lots of weight with bad form is dangerous on any exercise, but even more so when you are literally throwing the weights like in Olympic lifts.

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One way to get all of the benefits of Olympic lifting, without needing a trainer or running the risk of injury if you do the exercise wrong, is to use kettlebells instead of barbells. You do not need a very heavy one, the emphasis is on many reps done fast, but with low weight.


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