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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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easton havoc

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hey has anyone else had or have an easton havoc? ive used mine for 6 practices and one match and it is cracking at the heel already. i dont usually break composites that quick! anyone else had the same problem? it's a lidstrom curve.

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Why do you bought a havoc? That stick makes you skate slow


Anyways, I don't think the Havoc was made for durability.....it is Easton's price point stick.

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the only place i've seen an Easton Havoc around me is at Canadian Tire, and they charge $179.99 for the Havoc which I don't think is a very good price for a price point stick. They also have like weird thigns like CCM Vector 90 which is 129.99 and Vapor 1 OPS for $99. I also remember seeing a Nike Quest 4 shaft and o yeah, can't forget about the Octane! :D

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i dunno if just ANYONE can find it or if it's in ALL canadian tires but the picture is from canadiantire.ca

Description for the shaft:

Fibreglass construction

Standard composite system

Straightwall dimensions deliver a square feel as used by the pros


One-piece stick with carbon fibre/fibreglass construction

Carbon reinforced blade

Regular flex

Available in left and right

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the only place i've seen an Easton Havoc around me is at Canadian Tire, and they charge $179.99 for the Havoc which I don't think is a very good price for a price point stick. They also have like weird thigns like CCM Vector 90 which is 129.99 and Vapor 1 OPS for $99. I also remember seeing a Nike Quest 4 shaft and o yeah, can't forget about the Octane! :D

179 is a ripoff when you could just get a Synergy ST for 199.

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hey guys, sorry to bum this topic...but i was looking for opinions on the havoc BUT NOT OPS...blade only ...so how do they feel??

i would like a cheap blade with a iginla curve...

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Havoc everything is a pricepoint product. Thus meaning they will sacrifice the feel and performance so they can offer a cheaper product. I've never used one but by looking at it and looking at the price I would say that it is just a cheap comp blade that has a mediocre feel to it....you get what you pay for...thats the only thing i can think of when you look at price point sticks.

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hey guys, sorry to bum this topic...but i was looking for opinions on the havoc BUT NOT OPS...blade only ...so how do they feel??

i would like a cheap blade with a iginla curve...

like a Vector blade

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STs and 5K OPS are being sold for about $159 CDN around here. why dont they make it in a drury.

and are 5k's available in pronger patterns?

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is the ST basically the old synergy?

yeah, with more I-beams in the blade to make it stiffer and break less.

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