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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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attn: montreal guys including goalies

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hey boys,

i'm home form school now and I know that there aren't lots of montreal guys here btu i was just wonderign if u guys want we can start playign pick up or shinny at either pierrefonds or bonaventure. PM me or get back to me here, there usually 7$ cdn to play, and maybe we can finally get an MSH game going.

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it could be pretty nice....i would enter in the game....but i prefer Pierrefond...but euh....how many are from Montreal??(maybe 4-5 lol...)


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My brother and I are planing to play there in the summer after his school which finish like the 20 of june. It would be great if 5-6 MSHers would play there on a regular basis in the summer. I'm pretty sure Cobraa would play, so we are 4(me, brother, yglod and cobraa). Great idea yglod.

EDIT: any place of them I don't care, I just want to play. lol

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I'm from just outside montreal( 15 minutes from st-jean sur Richulieux) i could play sometimes but it would depend when.

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I would like to see kovy and his stickhandling talent '' a l'oeuvre'' lolll and his nice commander shaft lol in action!!

I allready play at Pierrefond and ile-bizard this summer(summer league) so i won't mind to play at Pierrefond!

See ya..by the way kovy what did you play when you was younger??

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See ya..by the way kovy what did you play when you was younger??

If you are lefty, I'll let you try my stick in the warm-up. When I was younger, I was playing AA most of the year. Comment est le calibre a Pierrefond.. Let's wear the same color of jersey to play together when we will go.

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LOL, do you know where there is puck&skate. I have new skates and I would like to break them...

EDITED - IGLOD If you play against us, we will have competition if I refer to the video you show us...You seem a very good skater. Do you know if there is a lot of people at shinny in summer?

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Well i'm not from Pierrefond..but the caliber in West-island is REALLY GOOD( Rive-sud(suroit) win the provincial) and Lakeshore win the Silver!!) Not bad..all in Lac St-louis...

But as for me...i had a really bad season...my coach bench me all year..i got 7 point(3 goal) in 28 game..But i had 7 point in 7 game with MD BB...

As for me...I'm not really talented...I'm 6''1 180 pound...for a 14yr it impressive...so every coach pick me just to play the body...that suck...i whant to play hockey...not Big goon or Tie Domi's style!! But i'm a big skater..my pass are not that bad...beeing a guy that work in the corner to pass to the guys in front of the net!!

So That it...PM me when we will get our player...anywayz..who speak french lol!!!???

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ya every wednesdaya nd friday last yr was awesome at bonaventure kovy, but only when there were golaies, otherwise i usually leave. depending onmy job this summer i might be able to only play nights at pierrefonds, but pm me guys, perhaps we can exchange numbers and perhaps pictures for recognition.

btw kovy, u play AAA? about hte same level as i lay, maybe a tad lower as there are relatively no guys in my league from quebec (ncaa d3)

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update, tommorow pierrefonds 445 bonaventure 1015, 1215, 215

let me know

Where is Bonaventure? and what's the phone number of the arena?

Just to know, do you speak french???

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update, tommorow pierrefonds 445 bonaventure 1015, 1215, 215

let me know

Where is Bonaventure? and what's the phone number of the arena?

Just to know, do you speak french???

Bonaventure is on Cote de Liesse. You need to be on the service road going west from Decarie to get to it. Man I miss Montreal...

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just wanted to let you guys know im going at 215 tommorow

I was there today at 12 PM, it was lot of fun and my skates were going better. I don't think tommorow I will go thought...

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