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NAHL on the hockey spectrum...

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How high of a level of play is it? Question is because my friend got drafted by the Minnesota Blizzard and I want to know how high of a level this is. Like compared to AHL, USHL, and other leagues. Thanks

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Step below USHL, I might be playing against NAHL teams next year. Pretty good hockey, but the guys who can really play should be going to USHL if available. If I'm not mistaken, it's the biggest Junior league in the world.

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It's still a great way to get to college..granted I'm by the Tornado and they have guys like Ben Bishop and such..but a lot of the kids in that league will be playing college at D1 levels...

plus..would you rather be a 4th line player in Lincoln..or get some ice time in Wichita Falls?

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i have a bunch of friends on the texas tornados, depending on the team's location, they may play pro teams. For instance the tornados played a charity game vs the dallas stars here

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FYI Texas guys...I hear that the Stars are having a sale tomorrow at the DPSC in Frisco...supposedly they have some older Synergy Grips,etc starting at $50..I believe the doors open at 12..its upstairs where the media rooms are,etc at the Deja Blue arena if what I was told is right...unfortunately I'm in STL for the weekend..

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D'Oh! That's what I get for not reading the full thread.... just sent the 3 of you a PM about the sale at the Frisco centre (that Jim, apparently, already mentioned).

You can disregard my e-mail then (obviously).

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would you rather be a 4th line player in Lincoln..or get some ice time in Wichita Falls?

The one local kid here who can play and got my Kors turned down an invite from Wichita Falls. He has a few other invites that he is planning to accept.

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Hey! Our very own celebrity.

Please remember us all when you become rich and famous (we can each send you our piece of hockey equipment choice.....).

OK, maybe not, but congrat's on the contract just the same. Pro-juniors is a significant achievement.

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ushl is tier 1 jr a in the usa. usa hockey labels the OHL, WHL, and QMJHL major junior and tier 1. the ushl doesnt have "major junior" status so usa hockey lets ushl players keep ncaa eligibility, while if you play in the ohl, whl, or qmjhl you can not go to college and play

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Gotcha, thanks for the clarity. I know all about the eligibility and such, and I figured the USHL kept it, so I figured it was Tier II.

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the recent tender and draft list was pretty long..some good players on there..interesting to see if some like Shawn Gawrys who played at Lincoln last year before returning to STL for a bit..will go back to USHL,etc

they had a good prospects camp in STL not too long ago..seems to be a good area for them to recruit and with guys like ex Blues player Kelly Chase involved..easy to sell...(lots of STL Jr B guys) along with non traditional areas..(Dallas AAA and LA AAA)

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