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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Crazy Otto

12 penalties in a row!

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The beer league team that Chadd and I play on had a game last night that was interrupted by a parade to the penalty box that began early in the 2nd period, and continued all the way into the 3rd.

In all, our team was called for 12 minor penalties in a row. Along the way, one of our guys picked up a game misconduct for abuse of official (on his way to the box he put his finger into the refs' chest). None of our guys are angels, and we certainly deserved some of the calls, but 12 IN A ROW???? The other team was playing just as chippy as we were -- two-handed slashes, tripping, high sticking and the like -- but in every instance where a penalty could have been called, our guys were headed to the box, while the other team's guys weren't called for anything.

Have any of you ever played in games like this, where the officiating is just so incredibly one-sided that the frustration just boils over? It's 12 hours later and I'm still pi$$ed off about it.

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Obviously I wasn't there, but as a ref if someone ever puts his finger on my chest, he is gone for at least a game. If he is yelling at me and threatening me too, I'd give him a Match.

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It happens all the time to us. Most of the officials give us a reputation of being mouthy. And to be honest we have a couple of guys that just don't shut up, they curse refs, push, fight every call, therefore the refs hate us and have that battle to fight even before the game starts. We lost the last game 1-0 due to an alleged interference call. In the 2nd period I was on a 3 on 1 and their d man slid across to me as i was going around him and closed his hand on the puck and just sat there until the whistle blew and didn't get called. Its those little things that we get screwed on because of our rep.

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Obviously I wasn't there, but as a ref if someone ever puts his finger on my chest, he is gone for at least a game. If he is yelling at me and threatening me too, I'd give him a Match.

No argument that he deserved the game misc for making contact with the official. He deserves a game suspension but not more than that because of the way the refs lost control of the game. Our guy didn't make any threatening moves or comments, he just argued the call and put his finger into the ref's chest.

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12 penalties in a row is an awful lot. I've only had a handful of games that were like that, some in our favour, others against. It usually boils out into a brawl because the shorthanded team is frustrated and theres always a good chance for a blowout.

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In one of my high school games, we beat a last place team 4-1, and the ref must have picked the other team to win from the start or something, because we had 17 penalties and they had 4. The thing is they're a much dirtier team. The ref was really old and had a cooper helmet you'd see little kids wearing out on a pond or for street hockey. Our team got a couple of breakaways while it was 5 on 3 too. :o

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If it's the REALLY old ref, that guys golden, always hated my HS team. There was a time, I confronted him on a call, before a face-off (I'm D). He drops the puck, blows the whistle immediately, before anyone could even move, and called me for interference. Tossed one of our guys for not wearing a mouthguard while he was skating to the bench after a whistle.

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If it's the REALLY old ref, that guys golden, always hated my HS team. There was a time, I confronted him on a call, before a face-off (I'm D). He drops the puck, blows the whistle immediately, before anyone could even move, and called me for interference. Tossed one of our guys for not wearing a mouthguard while he was skating to the bench after a whistle.

YUP! For sure him. Two guys on my team go 10 minutes for spitting out there mouth guard on the way to the bench. And, apparently dropping your gloves and going up to someone, but not touching them just yelling in their face isn't a penalty. :blink:

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Back in NY a couple years ago we had a game where for the first half of the game almost to the second, we just paraded to the box...we only had 6 guys..so we consistenly were playing 5 on 4, 5 on 3, etc..it was a joke..i'm about as mellow as can be with regards to doing my time..but i was literally trying to get the boot..we were down like 6-0 after 1..and 6-3 halfway through...then the other team gets one penalty, then another, and another..and its a complete Jekyl and Hyde and we wind up winning 10-7...

the ref had no biz being out there...even in a beer league..he actually had started officiating when I did...and while I realized early on that I wasn't the world's greatest official..this guy just doesn't have a clue..he was the parent who never "got it" turned official...none of us would work with him..and the next time he showed up as an official for our games..none of the teams would take the ice...that solved it pretty quickly...better to have teams paying a couple grand in team fees..than worrying about some guy gettng $50 to ref..

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no story beats what happened to me last night. this was a high school varsity game where, us, the underdogs were leading. at the end of the first period, i get hooked right off a face off and go down, the opposing players stick was caught in me and he comes down, i get a 2 for interference and a 10 for attempt to injure, as you can imagine im pretty pissed considering i dont think i deserve either of the penalties. after the 10 was up i go out for a shift and get a high stick up in my cage, the stick cuts my chin and i stupidley retailate and get a 4 double major for roughing, a 5 for fighting, a 10 for attempt to injure, and a game miscounduct for not skating off the ice to recieve medical attention. has anyone ever heard of something that crazy?

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My travel team in our first tourney got a whole buch of penalties. We got I think some where around 28 in the first game. Then, later on in a different tourney we had 4 kids kicked off the ice at one time, then the game was called in the second period, because the ref's said the game was getting to agressive.

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has anyone ever heard of something that crazy?

Yes. I received a game misconduct which led to a 30 day suspension because a ref skated backwards into me. At first he gave a 10 minute misconduct for abuse of an official, so I skated to the box because it was only the second period. He looks at me and tells me to get off the ice or that I get a match. I ask him why I don't go to the box to serve my 10 and he kicks me out and tells me I'm a bad captain. The best part is how that when I got back home and had a hearing about it with the disciplinary committee, they agree, tell me I'm a bad captain, take away my C and suspend me for 30 days.

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My personal best was 3 10 minute misconducts on 1 shift, but I also had a double game ejection, a double face mask and another minor penalty on one shift.... best part was my 8 game suspension was Veto'd because it wasn't our "system" Alliance vs. OMHA where I was suspended :)

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so a few years back theres a fight my teammate gets a: 3rd man in, starting another fight while the first fight is going on, fighting after the whistle, fighting after his fight was over, fighting with less than 5-mins in the game. then he got a few minors for chirping the kid, their coach, the ref, and their fans, all on the same play. he were down 5-3 for like 3 mins, we still won, he got like 5 games too

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I got 8 penalties in one shift this year. Personal best. Plus an 11 game suspension.

how'd you get 8 penalties in like a minute?

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theres this one ref that would NEVER give us a break. one time our goalie came to the bech becasue one of his straps came undone or something and our coach told the goalie not to pass the blue line cuz if he does then you have to change goalies or something stupid like that. so the coach told the linesmen what he was doing and he said it was ok. the goalie came out and didnt pass the blue line then the ref came over and said you cant do that. well we didnt have our backup goalie so we had to have the net empty till the linesmen droped the puck. the faceoff was in the other teams end and they won it and shot it down and scored. we ended up tieing that game to a much weaker team it SUCKED

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I got 8 penalties in one shift this year. Personal best. Plus an 11 game suspension.

how'd you get 8 penalties in like a minute?


Roughing x2


Unsportsmanlike x2

Hit to the Head (10 min. misconduct + 2 I believe)

Attemptto knee



I broke my synergy grip over the post which led to the 2nd unsportsmanlike.

11 game'r was for cross checking to the head and hit to the head.

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Too many amateur refs try to exhibit their power through the whistle and the penalty.

At the high school level, refs should call penalties that happen in the course of play if its flagrant or intentional.....but they should really try to avoid laying on the penalties for big mouths.

The best way to handle a big mouth is to let him get his mouth off on the way to the box and just have a "Yeah, Yeah Yeah....get in the box" attitude.

If that initial back-talk continues, then warn them, and if they continue...THEN penalize them.....but the best refs let the smack talk roll off their backs.

I respect a ref more who can take that stuff and dismiss it than some thin skinned Zebra who starts loading up minutes just because someone lips off a little in the heat of the moment.

In squirt hockey, I hate it when the ref is too into his job and he blows the whistle excessively. My sons team played another cross town rival in a pretty good game, but the damn ref blew 13 penalties....in a SQUIRT game. He really thought he was an expert too. I questioned a few calls from the bench and he starts talking down to me like he's Don Koharski and I'm mentally retarded.

The best refs are confident, knowledgeable and decisive, but they know that their job is to call ONLY as many penalties as is absolutely necessary to maintain order and a fair, safe game...and not one more.

A really good ref is worth his weight in Gold, IMHO.

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How about this one. My team was tied 2-2 in the last round robin game in our tourney. We were playing the home team and the ref was being blatently one sided(I think the final peanalty count was 22-5). There was a mad scramble in front of my goalie and the puck rolled right on the line, but not in, before we cleared it out and got the puck in their end. We put on pressure for about a minute before the whistle blew when the puck went out of play. The linesman goes up to the ref and convinces him to call it a goal for the other team even though the puck was clearly not in. Anyway, we end up losing the game 3-2 and didnt make it to the finals. That was 2 months ago and it still makes me mad to think about it.

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My personal best was 15 minutes in minor penalties in one shift, and then a 4 game suspension, then a hearing deciding i dont deserve to be a captain. all because a kid broke his stick over my calf(maybe because of a little prodding)...penalties as listed

roughing x2

attempt to injure-3 games + 5min


spearing = 4 min

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Back in the day, our Major Bantam team was invited to a tournament in Alaska that turned into a blood bath. Literally.

A bench brawl ended with 17 players from both teams going to the ER for stitches and broken bones. Cops in riot gear showed up along with numerous fire/ambulance crews. A few parents were charged with assault along with our respective coaches. The game was called at 10:40 of the first period. Both teams, including the host, were suspended indefinitely for the duration of the season. The game was pure hell.

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