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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Demo the Flexlite 12

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I don't know if you guys all ready know it...but i just got a demo pair to try the flexlite v12

just let you know...


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well i went to my LHS...ask the guys for some Flexlite v10...and he sais he dont have it...but i can demo the flexlite v12...to see if i like the v12 then i will like the v10...i had to deposit 200$ and now i can try them for 2 weeks...like the easton synergy....

i told you this...because i thought that they were only the synergy that you can try and see how it perform...

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I bought my quest v-12's for about the same price you will pay for your flexlite 10's...

I don't see any merit in buying the price point models unless they fit you better or have more durability. Otherwise it would make more sense to buy the past top model, which is likely a better skate anyways. Anyhow, I defenately would love a pair of old Vapor 10's...

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The reason why i don't pick the V-12 is because i do not like the tongue on the V12 (i like a more flexible tongue( i.e: Tack))

and the design is pretty nice on the Flexlite(there the same..except the V12 and the V10 marked on the tongue...

There ligther...

The Holder have changed a bit...and you can't have ligthspeed on 350CND bauer skate..you have to buy the 450$CND model...

Finally, if i'm not wrong...the durabillity is better on the Flexlite...


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well i went to my LHS...ask the guys for some Flexlite v10...and he sais he dont have it...but i can demo the flexlite v12...to see if i like the v12 then i will like the v10...i had to deposit 200$ and now i can try them for 2 weeks...like the easton synergy....

i told you this...because i thought that they were only the synergy that you can try and see how it perform...

you shouldnt have to pay to demo skates,i demoed the synergy skates and they didnt cost a thing,they were a brand new pair i used them for a week and then i went back the next day and got them for $365.

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He didn't pay he put a deposit down. He'll get it back if he doesn't want to buy the skates. I am not sure if the F-12's are available just in your case because the owner gave you a break or if they are widely available like the Synergy demo program.

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the flexlite 10's arent price point bud.....

thats exactly what they are, a skate in the 300-350 dollar PRICE POINT

Price point is not synonymous with cheap

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I question your logic seeing as the flexlites have a brutally stiff tongue, moreso than the v12.

oh well, he probally wants them because they're new. Oh well, I don't mind the money being handed over to nike, maybe they'll keep coming out with some good stuff :)

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i found the v-12 tongue beeing more stiff than the flexlite...i used them today...and had some problem with my forward flexion...i migth just stick with the CCM tongue...or swap my CCM tongue on the flexlite...

And oh by the way...even if i don't like them...i have to oppertunity to try them for 2 week FREE...why would i not try them!?

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thanks for the info...let us that care about the info know about them when you are done... the others can surely just pass over the thread...


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for the people who might be interesting in getting the new F-12...

i tried them 4 hours in game situation, passing from 1152 '02 with t-blades to F-12 is a major change!

These skate fit so well!! it so nice!! really well made...i was not confident with the tongue of the Nike but i have to admit that you don't feel it in a game situation!

The thing i had problem...is the where the skate bend(every compagny have a special angle..some are more straight other are more forward) well i think because of the boot or maybe the holder make the nike more straigth and i prefer to have a skate a bit more forward(to get a better forward flexion!)

Skating forward was nice...but i wasnt able to get backward(maybe because they were brand new...(meaining really stiff!) that another thing...these skate are so stiff compared to my 1152!!!(that a good thing once they are breaked!)

And i had a bit of problem with the cross over because of the ligthspeed( i skate with t-blade since 2 year now...)

Conclusion...these skate ARE A REAL BEAUTY!! FREAKIN LIGTH!really stiff..(good thing but not when your breaking them). i have to admit that you don't need to bake them!!fit really nice(i suggest to lace them not too tight..because it would be too stiff)...

If you skated with Nike the past year or any compagny close to them( you will LOVE THESE SKATE...because i'm a CCm guys since i'm 3yr old i can't get used to them( i tried bauer too ..like 2 year ago..).AND the holder is really nice...REALLY BETTER than the Prolite3!! on CCM!!

and at 350$CND this is the perfect skate!!!the difference between the F-10 and F-12 are so minimal!!! only difference i found is on the tongue...where you can see 12 it said 10!!

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i just think about it....do using the Ligthspeed and the T-blades...could have a difference ''pitch'' that why i feel i was more straight with my F-12 compared to the forward angle i had with the 1152??

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