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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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yeah, i laughed so hard when i saw him. damn terrorists.... well i have to miss the next two hours cause of a game tonight. i'll try to see if it's available online, so i'll let you know Monty22.

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  Fury of One said:

The first four episodes are available on iTunes if anyone cares.

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I don't know if it was a one day sale or not...but the first 4 hours were on DVD at FutureShop (in Canada) for 9.99 today.

Check this out:


(IF you haven't watched the First 4 hours yet...DON'T CLICK SEASON 6)

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holy cow, i just watched the second two hours of this season and........wow, it's crazy. i'm used to watching on DVD, so having to actually wait a whole week to see what happens next...not to mention having to sit through commercials... is gonna be tough.

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  Stampeder said:

Does this show come close to the awesomeness that comes with Prison Break?

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Prison Break, though good, doesn't come close to 24. It is a sick two hours when they run together on Mondays.

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They're both crafty but Jack Bauer wins hands down. He's birthed a tasty little piece (Elisha Cuthbert, whatever she's doing nowadays) and saved the day 5 times already. Schofield's just trying to get out of prison, but Bauer's managed to get himself bought-out of a Chinese prison.

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I really don't think he can compete with the smarts of Schofield. The whole elabortate plan with the tatoo's and everything is just intense. Plus he was picking up female ass in prison.

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There is no shortage of badass in Jack Bauer's account. He doesn't even have parents as he was born of patriotism and vengeance.

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You gotta remember he's probably got about 15 years on Schofield, imagine what he would be like when he reaches his prime. Prison Break will probably be done in a season or two, don't know how much further they can go with it.

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Yeah, but I also thought the same about 24 in terms of how long they could take the idea so you never know. All I know is when they start back together on Mondays, it's a pain waiting for the next week.

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Yeah I was stuck without cable for the first two months of school so I downloaded every episode of Prison Break, Lost, and a couple Ugly Bettys for the hell of it. Waiting for the new ones is going to be rough.

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Love 24, but not thrilled about all the new characters/actors in CTU and the White House. I will give it a few more "hours" before I totally cast judgement. I liked how in the past the actors were virtual no names (except for Jack and Pres. Palmer), yet quality actors.

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