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Spray paint on gloves

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I know that there have been similar topics before, but I wanted to know if anybody had tried to spray paint their gloves. Does it look good? And does the paint chip off easily or does it stay on well?


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I used magic marker, for what it's worth (use the permanent marker stuff - get a high quality one). It worked great, and as scrapes come along, you can just touch it up. Doesn't rub off or anything.

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I used magic marker, for what it's worth (use the permanent marker stuff - get a high quality one). It worked great, and as scrapes come along, you can just touch it up. Doesn't rub off or anything.

Just asking but what material were your gloves? do you think it would make a difference?

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I know that there have been similar topics before, but I wanted to know if anybody had tried to spray paint their gloves. Does it look good? And does the paint chip off easily or does it stay on well?


It has been said that many NHL equipment managers use spray paint when a player has been traded and the two teams have different colors.

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I saw a pair of Chris Simon Synergy gloves that were spraypainted all black on eBay a couple days ago. It was cracking like crazy... I'll see if I can find the pic.

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It has been said that many NHL equipment managers use spray paint when a player has been traded and the two teams have different colors.

If I'm correct, NHL Equipment Managers tape the areas of the glove that it will be spray painting first before actually spray painting the glove.

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I once used vinyl dye spray (jet black) from my local NAPA auto parts store. Looked horrible going on, when it dried it looked perfect.

Held up really well too.

Was it permanant, or did it wear off? Do you think it would last a great while as a permanant solution?

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The reason I'm asking about the whole spray paint on gloves is pretty simple, I found an awesome pair of gloves, but wrong color for my team. Now I'm wondering whether its worth it to try to change the color if it risks ruining glove. I've used spray on shoe polish that you can get at like a shoe repairs store, but it cracked off all the time and you had to touch it up after every skate.

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Dude, go the marker route. It's cheap, and easy. That, or use the nylon dye the other dude mentioned.

Do not use spray paint. It looks like crap, and the acetone probably destroys the leather.

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I once used vinyl dye spray (jet black) from my local NAPA auto parts store. Looked horrible going on, when it dried it looked perfect.

Held up really well too.

Was it permanant, or did it wear off? Do you think it would last a great while as a permanant solution?

It was a long time ago, but I remember I was suprised how durable it was. Big scuffs showed the under color, but no cracking or peeling. Touch-ups were easy too.

I think it's like Ogie's solution, but a little heavier & in a spray can.

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