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Squirt Locker Room Talk

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I had an interesting experience last night after stick & puck. I had gotten there early and staked out a locker room with no thougth to who might be in there later. After practice I found it full of 13 yr olds who were getting ready for their league practice no, "No problem. I can share". At first one of the little "snots" looked up at me and said "what do you want". I just smiled and said, "My gear". I wiggled my way in and started to un-armor. I couldn't help but listen to some of the things they were talking about and It got me to thinking. Was I ever this young? I just turned 34, been married for 11 years, no kids yet (woo hoo!)

I'm not gonna repeat anything that was said because it was locker room talk and figured it was almost as sacrocant as a confessional. But I couldn't help but smile a little and think back to when I was their age and hanging out with my friends. We thought we were so mature and ready for what ever the world had arrayed for us. We swore like sailers because we thought it made us sound more grown up. We secretly worried about how cool we appeared and just wanted to fit in and not be noticed. Those were the days of yester year.

As I was leaveing the locker room I offered advice to the last kid in the room who had been pretty mouthy. "It is better to be thought a fool, than open ones's mouth and remove all doubt." He looked at me with a funny expression and said he didn't understand. I told him to think about it and he would probably get it when he got a little older. I expect he'll tell his friends about that weird old fat guy that was in the locker room and some weird thing, but then agian he probalby won't who knows.

It's kinda interesting to watch the younger generations in a situation like a locker room, you realize that it seems that the more things change the more they stay the same.

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I must be getting dumber as each day goes by -- when I was 16 I knew everything; now I’m 33, I realize I know diddly. :D


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I must be getting dumber as each day goes by -- when I was 16 I knew everything; now I’m 33, I realize I know diddly. :D


yeah, but now you realize how smart your old man was.

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Yes. I learn a lot about the kids personalities and character just listening to them in the locker room. I coach my son's squirt team, and you learn who thinks they're really hot stuff and who are the followers and the yes men.

I like quiet defenseman who don't say a lot in the lockeroom.

Those are the guys I look to for leadership. Even at 10 yrs old, you can tell which kids are going to grow up to be good men and which ones will be self centered pricks.

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I must be getting dumber as each day goes by -- when I was 16 I knew everything; now I’m 33, I realize I know diddly.  :D


yeah, but now you realize how smart your old man was.

I was just talking to my Mom last night and told her that I've noticed that no matter how hard I try I seem to become more and more like my father as I get older. I'm glad he's a good guy.

I never really understood my Dad growing up, but a year after I was married it all became clear. :D

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I like quiet defenseman who don't say a lot in the lockeroom.

Like me...but I'm not a defenseman. I talk when I'm in the locker room, but when it gets to about half hour before game time, I put the headphones on and just mellow down..and ill turn it up enough so i drain out everyone that is talking in the locker room.

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Heh. I'm 13.


." He looked at me with a funny expression and said he didn't understand. I told him to think about it and he would probably get it when he got a little older. I expect he'll tell his friends about that weird old fat guy that was in the locker room and some weird thing, but then agian he probalby won't who knows.

It's the truth. ;)

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"It is better to be thought a fool, than open ones's mouth and remove all doubt."

Kudos for qoutin' the Churchill. ;)

That's Abe Lincoln. It has been credited to a lot of people incorrectly on the internet. I've seen Mark Twain, Churchill, Shaw and several others listed as the author.

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"It is better to be thought a fool, than open ones's mouth and remove all doubt."

Kudos for qoutin' the Churchill. ;)

That's Abe Lincoln. It has been credited to a lot of people incorrectly on the internet. I've seen Mark Twain, Churchill, Shaw and several others listed as the author.

My bad. My favorite Lincoln quote is "Let us have faith that right makes might".

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I must be getting dumber as each day goes by -- when I was 16 I knew everything; now I’m 33, I realize I know diddly. :D


Man, I'm 16 now and I do know everything, lol.

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"It is better to be thought a fool, than open ones's mouth and remove all doubt."

Kudos for qoutin' the Churchill. ;)

That's Abe Lincoln. It has been credited to a lot of people incorrectly on the internet. I've seen Mark Twain, Churchill, Shaw and several others listed as the author.

I even heard once that it was Ben Franklin who started the quote.

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